Chapter 3: Questions In The Air

Start from the beginning

-What happened with the rumor? Is it true? – One guy asked his friend.

-I don't know, but I heard students asking Jeno's partner, Haechan, to open an investigation. – The girl replied, concerned.

-So, it may be true, then. Nobody would dare to ask Lee Jeno to get involved if the rumor was false. – The guy stated.

Immediately, I stopped listening to their conversation and looked back at Renjun; he also heard them. My friend's expression said it all; he was worried about my next move; after all, he knows how badly I want to sort out this case.

-It's okay. We are many steps ahead, so don't worry about anything, Jae. – Renjun assured me with a subtle smile. I nodded at his words while enduring the annoyance I currently feel.

*Hours later*

The break began a few minutes ago; I gathered with all my friends since everyone had time to spare. Currently, we are reunited at the cafeteria while eating and talking about our days. However, I wanted everyone to be here since I had some news to deliver. After reviewing all the information and using my logic, I had another way to find evidence against our suspect. It is essential to be one step ahead in this investigation; after all, Jeno and Haechan are trying to sort out the case.

-Okay, Jae! You wanted to say something when we got here. So, fire up! – Jay said, immediately capturing my attention.

-Oh! Yes! – I nodded before looking to my sides, checking if no one was near our table. Shortly, I returned my sigh to my friends and motioned them to get closer. -After reviewing all the information we've gathered so far, I discovered something else. – I mentioned. My friends immediately looked at each other, slightly concerned.

-What is it? – Renjun asked, intrigued.

-Our suspect is someone familiarized with the institute entirely; this person knows what others don't; therefore, the one leaking the information has easy access to relevant documents. – I explained while intently looking at my friends, waiting for their response about the current situation.

-Alright, then we have to keep an eye out on those teachers. Our radar is getting more specific; hence, it may be easier to find our suspect. – Jay pointed out, which I nodded for in response. Yet before anyone could say anything else, Alice released a long sigh.

-I feel worried about this case, too. But Jaemin, did you come up with this new clue during class? – Alice asked, slightly earnest.

-Yes, but I listened to the entire lesson. Isn't that right, Renjun? – I assured Alice before looking at Renjun.

-Yes! He even took notes and participated in class. – Renjun told Alice.

-Alright, I trust you are not leaving your studies aside. – Alice spoke before looking around, briefly lowering her voice. -I believe this teacher has a close relationship with their students. Perhaps that's why no one knows who is leaking the information. – Alice suggested, making everyone's expression change. It surprised us her addition to the investigation.

-Do you think the teacher has someone helping it to hide? – Jay questioned, which Alice nodded for in response.

-That would make sense. Beyond all, the rumor is out, and people know about it. But nobody can give us the name of the leading suspect. It appears students only know the basic things. – I said before looking at Renjun. -We have to keep an eye on our seniors' teachers. We don't know who this person is, and it can be anyone. – I pointed out. My friends agreed with my statement before we smiled at each other.

-You love to play the detective role, don't you? Jae? – Jay teased, causing my friends to snicker at his words.

-Come on! "We" love to play that role. – I corrected Jay, which we nodded for in response.

-But we got to be careful moving forward, don't forget that. – Renjun mentioned.

-Of course! – Alice said before we continued to speak about other things.

*Later the same day. At the institute's library*

Here I am again with the books and new assignments. However, this time, I brought Renjun with me. I told him to come over since I couldn't see him delivering his homework late once more; today isn't the first time it occurred. I believe he's been distracted, yet, I don't know what's keeping his head busy.

Right now, I'm looking at Renjun, wondering why he isn't keeping up his responsibilities like he's used to doing. Eventually, he noticed my intent glance on him, making my friend smile awkwardly at me.

-Is everything alright? – Renjun asked, confused. He placed his pen down while staring at me.

-I should be the one asking that. Why are you so distracted lately? You even forgot your assignment once more. – I pointed out, intrigued to listen to Renjun's response.

-I had too many chores, and I couldn't finish them. – Renjun merely said. But I wasn't convinced by his words. However, before I could ask him another question, he released a short sigh. -Actually. I wanted to ask you about something I heard earlier this day. – Renjun mentioned. Without saying more, I understood what he wanted to discuss; his body became small, like if he was worried.

-You overheard the conversation when we entered the classroom, didn't you? – I questioned. Renjun looked at me, surprised, but then nodded at my words.

-If what those guys said is true, that means the rumor might be accurate. – Renjun pointed out.

-Yes, I understand that part, Renjun. But the students are reaching out to Jeno and Haechan, and I'm afraid they might intervene in our investigation. – I admitted, slightly upset about the current situation.

-Here, let me tell you something. Tomorrow, we can look at every possible suspect on our list and carefully watch over our teacher's behavior with the new profile we did today. – Renjun suggested, causing me to raise my eyebrows.

-Oh! You are right! We remade the list, didn't we? Then, I think we have a shot in finding the suspect before we planned. – I said, feeling better after hearing Renjun's suggestion. Shortly, I sat beside him and patted his shoulder happily. -You are such a genius, Jun! – I proudly said before surrounding Renjun's shoulders with my arm. He chuckled before nodding at me.

-That's why I'm your partner! – Renjun stated before we smiled at each other. Then, I cluttered his hair ere returning to our assignment.

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