[Chapter 54: New Stalking Spot]

Start from the beginning

"Um, I'm terribly sorry guys, but I uh, I really have to go...!" You bursted out in alarm, panicking once you left your group of friends and got ready to say a quick goodbye. "See you guys tomorrow...?"

"Oh, um, catch you tomorrow..." Cadence called after you with a surprised look - Amber and Laura both waving goodbye too.

"Michael! Penny! What are you two doing so close to the campus grounds!?" You scolded the pair worriedly; engulfing your stalker in an alarmed embrace before doing the exact same thing with the dancing clown. "It's not a safe spot, and you could've gotten caught!"

"TI I Y E TᗩᒪKIG ᔕᑭOT. I ᑕᗩᑎ EE YO ETTE ᖴᖇO EE ᗩᑎᗪ IT' ᑕᒪOE TO YO. I IᔕᔕE YO TOᗪᗩY." [A/N: "THIS IS MY NEW STALKING SPOT. I CAN SEE YOU BETTER FROM HERE AND IT'S CLOSER TO YOU. I MISSED YOU TODAY."] Michael wrote possessively, his note overflowing with obsession once he passed it over to you.

"D'aww, don't get mad at me, sweetie~" Pennywise chipped in with devilish amusement, returning your cuddle right after you gave him one. "Today was pretty uneventful for me also. As a matter of fact, I actually missed you too. So c'mon, cut me some slack~"

"Why should I...?" You sarcastically repeated, shaking your head and rolling your eyes at the same time. "I'm not responsible for your - or Michael's - reckless decisions."

"Fair enough~" Penny grinned deviously; instead giving your hand a subtle squeeze while Michael swiftly echoed his actions.

"Well why don't we just leave, and go home before anybody "picks up" on Michael's new...stalking spot...?" You dryly decided, secretly enjoying the hand-holding and the thoughtful attention you were receiving.

"Again, not my—"
"Don't even START." You childishly complained, nudging his side and purposely interrupting him. "That joke is SO old."

"ᗯᕼIE E'E O TE ᔕᑌᗷᒍET O Y E TᗩᒪKIG ᔕᑭOT, ᗯᕼO EE TOE GY YO EE ᔕᑭEKIG TO? TEY KEE TᗩᖇIG T ᑌᔕ." [A/N: "WHILE WE'RE ON THE SUBJECT OF MY NEW STALKING SPOT, WHO WERE THOSE GUYS YOU WERE SPEAKING TO? THEY KEEP STARING AT US."] Michael scribbled down next - bringing up the very subject you were afraid to discuss with everyone.

"Oh, um...Just the new transfer students..." You timidly mumbled, growing scared and wondering how to continue this awkward conversation. "They're uh, taking the Cinematography course this year..."

"O'T ITEᖇᗩᑕT IT TE ᗩᑎYOE. I O'T IKE IT. TEI EᕼᗩᐯIOᑌᖇ I TᖇᗩᑎGE. I O'T TᖇᑌᔕT TE." [A/N: "DON'T INTERACT WITH THEM ANYMORE. I DON'T LIKE IT. THEIR BEHAVIOUR IS STRANGE. I DON'T TRUST THEM."] Michael demanded darkly, his recent note causing chills to run down your back and make you feel weirdly unsafe.

"Michael, I—"
"He's got a point, honeybun." The clownish killer joined in seriously, losing his taunting attitude and taking you by surprise. "For all we know, those...human boys could be the unwanted admirers we've been searching for."

"What, Billy and Stu? No way!" You argued almost immediately, feeling oddly protective over them. "Sure, they might act a little strange from time-to-time, but overall—!"

"A little strange? How so?" Pennywise curiously asked, sharing a stern stare with Michael before frowning in general.

"Well, it's difficult to explain..." You told them with a troubled tone, feeling like you'd just thrown Billy and Stu under the bus and stirred up some unnecessary drama.

"Let's just get you back home, m'kay~?" Penny spoke firmly, snatching up your wrist and tugging you in the direction of your house within the woods.

"But it's not your—"
"—That's not important." Pennywise cut you off coolly, his rough tone taking you by surprise and hurting your feelings.

"Don't you both think that you're overreacting just a little bit...?" You irritably retaliated, standing up for yourself and breaking free from the dancing clown's harsh grasp.

"O. I O'T. OT I TE ᔕᒪIGTET. E'E GOIG OE. O." [A/N: "NO. I DON'T. NOT IN THE SLIGHTEST. WE'RE GOING HOME. NOW."] Michael furious scrawl made you sigh, realising that you weren't going to be able to change Michael's mind or calm down Penny.

"They were only looking towards you two! After all, you don't exactly blend in." You pointed out fearfully, clasping both hands against your chest and facing the two slashers with unhappiness.

"So? Nobody else was staring. Besides, they're still looking at us. See?" Pointing, Pennywise faced the two students with a poisonous glare; Michael maliciously staring in their line of sight and standing as still as a statue.

Following Penny's finger, you glanced towards what was troubling them and froze; feeling more and more worked-up by the millisecond. Why was that though...? Because not only Billy - but also Stu - were offhandedly staring at Michael and Pennywise, the four of them all sharing some sort of coldhearted glare with one another.

Your Devotion - Slashers x Reader [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now