You Can Be Anything At All

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*months later*

"we sweat for a nickel and a dime, turn it into an empire....." , Rihanna sang on stage in front of many fans for the March Madness Music Festival. I was surprised at how much those lyrics affected me. It was true, you can be anything. You can believe in anything, and if it was enough, you could own that very thing. I spent many years just wishing to be this close with Robyn or anyone in her crew. I spent my life looking up to her, no matter what she did. Her heart was good , and that's all that mattered to me. "YALL SING THIS SHIT !!!" Rih screamed from the stage. I began to sing along "BREATHE OUT, BREATHE IN, AMERICAN OXYGEN! EVERY BREATH I BREATH, CHASIN THIS AMERICAN DREAM" . The crowd began to get louder as Mel looked in my direction. "You really like that song huh?" She asked, giving me a wide smile. "Yes, I believe in the words so much I can relate." I replied getting another smile from Leandra. I was thinking for quite some time what it was that I really wanted. I learned that I got those things, because I'd come to realization of life. You can do all things as long as you remember what's truly important, regardless of opinions.

A few songs later, Rih got off stage and a girl stopped her for a video. "RIHANNA! Say hi to Snap!" The girl yells. "SNAP! SNAP! SNAP!....OH! I'm on snapchat now. I made my own account, add me @ Rihanna." Rih replies, walking away.


I wonder what's been going on with Kai lately. She's been even more quiet than usual. "Kai! Are you okay boo?" I ask her, giving her a tight hug. I guess I scared her, because she jumped as soon as I touched her. "AH! Oh yeah Robyn, I'm fine. Why you ask?" She replied all while raising an eyebrow. I chuckled to myself at her expression and said "I'm just concerned is all. Nothing bothering you at all?" , "No I'm positive that I'm fine sis, I promise." she answers smiling at me.

We'd only had a few hours before we had to fly back and celebrate Easter with Majesty. Leandra had forced me to get on snapchat the same night. Ugh how the fuck do I use this? I snapped a picture and posted it to my instagram. Afterwards, I took a quick selfie and uploaded it. I got plenty of comments from my fans , but I came across one that made me laugh . "Damn girl, you fine. Can we do the twizzler challenge?" It read. I looked over to see Kai asleep and Leandra snatching my phone away as I rolled a blunt. "Robz, let everybody know that I'm managing your snap." Leandra said. I made a shocked/frightened face and replied "WELL DAYUMMMM!". Of course, Leandra's loud ass would bust out laughing. A few moments later, she'd caught me smoking my blunt while listening to Know Yourself by Drake. That's one good ass song .

*hours later*

We arrived at the house and Leandra and I were advertising her lipstick line's Easter sale. Free Spirit Cosmetics are really good products . I loved the way the red made my lips shimmer. I had to go somewhere and damn LeLe wouldn't come. When I got back, her ass was still on my snapchat "managing it". She probably sent a nude or something. "I'm so done with you." I tell Leandra. "ROBZ, You vex cuz I ain't come wit you?" She asked me. "You no friend." I tell her and she just laughs. 😒

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