The Truth & The Big 3

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Outside the Heights Alliance

Ben stands outside with Izuku, who asked to talk with him

Ben: So, what's up?

Izuku takes a breath "Did you go through it?" He asks

Ben is confused "Go through what?"

Izuku: The same treatment that I went through... for being quirkless?

Ben is shocked at the sudden question as Izuku explains "I feel as though due to both starting out quirkless, we've gotten a better understanding of each other, and have become pretty close friends. Would you say so?"

Ben nods "Yeah, I would" he says

Izuku smiles before continuing "I never asked you this question before because I didn't want to start anything, but I just want to know-"

Ben: I did

Izuku looks at him, actually surprised, so Ben explains "Before I got my watch, I was- for lack of a better term "oppressed", just like you were. But when I got my powers, people started praising me, treating me better. Some of those people were the same ones that kicked me while I was down" He chuckles "Y'know something? When I challenged Bakugo..."

Izuku is suddenly hit with a wave of suspense

Ben: I didn't want to just humble him, but to break him. When Rex said that he told you to kill yourself, I experienced anger that I've never experienced before, and when I turned into Rath, all I remember... was feeling bloodlust

Izuku looks at him shocked "So you're saying, if we hadn't stopped Rath..."

Ben: Then Bakugo wouldn't be here. One of the reasons I wanted to be a hero, was to bring hope to any and everyone, and to stop this whole prejudice against quirkless people. To do right by them

Izuku looks down with a bit of shame "To do right by quirkless people" he repeats "To tell you the truth I hadn't even thought of that. I was so happy to get a quirk, and have a chance to achieve my dream, that even I forgot about those like us"

Ben walks up to him "Then let's make sure they're never forgotten again"

Izuku then looks up at him and smiles

Ben smiles back before turning to the door "Welp, I'm going to bed" he walks up the steps "Night man"

Izuku: Good night

On Ben's way in, Bakugo makes his way out, Ben walks through the doors and sees Bakugo walk up to Izuku, the human bomb then gets back to walking, followed by Izuku

Ben: Strange

Then Rex walks up "Very"

Ben turns to him "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Rex nods and says "Let's follow them"


They follow the two to Ground Beta

They hear Bakugo come to the conclusion that All Might gave Izuku his power, except unlike canon, he got it from what Tsu said on the USJ trip, not to mention he himself saw the similarites between the off brand Superm- I mean the former number one hero and the green cinnamon roll himself... In other words, Bakugo used his brain, unlike Everyone else... technically excluding Tsu, cause if she got the chance, she probably would've figured it out. And I can't exactly exclude Todoroki cause he did use his brain, he just... well y'know

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