Finish It: SOTO Prolouge

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Last chapter ended with Vilgax using his laser eyes against Ben, Kyoka (the future daughter one), Rex, and Izuku. Let's continue from there shall we?

Vilgax shoots his laser eyes at the group who all dodge out of the way in different directions

Vilgax: Impressive reflexes. But can you dodge this?

He uses his laser eyes again, first at XLR8 who dashes away, only to realize that the lasers are following him

XLR8: You can make them move? So not fair! I need to learn how to do that with Jetray

He increases his speed as the lasers continue to follow him

Kyoka is watching this happen "Hang on dad" she rolls right at Vilgax

Vilgax stops shooting his lasers and backflips over Kyoka and throws a grenade in the direction she's rolling, sending her back a few feet

Kyoka: Aw man that hurt

Vilgax begins to walk over but suddenly catches a fist from a Full Cowling Izuku, and holds him up

Vilgax: You must be Izuku Midoriya

Izuku's eyes widen "How do you know me?"

Vilgax: All For One has told me about you. You're a follower of All Might, and his successor

To say Izuku is surprised, or terrified is an understatement

Vilgax: You hold this "Beta Nanite" he calls it, just like your friend Rex Salazar holds the Omega. Speaking of...

Vilgax turns to the side and blasts his laser eyes, which immediately shoot behind him and blast Rex away

Izuku: Rex!

Vilgax: The Omega and Beta Nanites, from what I gathered, are the most powerful items made on this planet, which is saying something. I almost don't want to conquer this planet just to see what you and your fellow successors become... almost

Izuku glares at Vilgax trying to hide his fear as the warlord lifts his other hand and is suddenly knocked away by a lightning covered Kyoka... Wait what?

Izuku falls to his knees clutching his arm as Kyoka brings him in for a roll and moves towards XLR8 who gained enough momentum to send her flying towards Vilgax

XLR8: Nice job kid

Kyoka releases Izuku and looks at XLR8 "Thanks dad" she says


XLR8 shakes his head "That feels weird, but I'll allow it"

Izuku looks between them confused "Wait, dad?"

XLR8 looks at Izuku confused "Wait, they never told you?" He asks

If you look closely you can see the gears turning in Izuku's head "Oh she's your future daughter. That makes sense"

XLR8: Anyways, please tell me you have a plan on how to stop this guy

Izuku: We do, but we're not sure it'll work

XLR8: A plan that may not work is still a plan

Meanwhile Vilgax gets back up and shakes his head, he starts to walk to where his attacker went but is suddenly shot by a projectile and looks to see Rex standing there with his Slam Cannon aimed at him

Vilgax: Ah, the Omega

Rex shoots another projectile at him, but Vilgax blasts it with the Ruby Ray of Rouleau, he then sees Rex suddenly appear from the debris with his Smack Hands before getting punched hard in the face and flying back a bit

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