Boss Battles

267 12 16

Almost at the end... maybe

This chapter starts in the U.A. Staff meeting room, where Eri talks to said staff

Nezu: While we appreciate you assisting our allies and students, we don't know who you are, nor where you came from so I must insist on asking you some questions

Also in the room is Detective Tsukauchi, who watches from the side

Eri nods "Alright, ask away" she says

???: Indeed, ask away

Eri sees Professor Paradox walking through the door

Eri: Professor Paradox? What are you doing here?

Paradox walks next to her "I'm here to see the progress you've made in your efforts of Time Travel of course"

This brings confusion to the U.A. Staff

Nezu: Time Travel you say?

Paradox looks to the... Chimera "Oh, where are my manners? Hello there U.A. Staff, my name is Professor Paradox. I'm a Time Walker, and as the title suggests, I walk through time, constantly going through different time periods, timelines, dimensions, usually to help people"

Aizawa: Time Travel? Yeah right

Paradox: I assure you Shota Aizawa, I'm telling the truth

Aizawa's eyes widen "How do you know my name?"

Paradox: I already told you, I walk through time. If you don't believe me ask your truth detecting friend here

(Because if I'm not mistaken Tsukauchi has a truth/lie detection quirk)

Everyone looks to the detective who sighs "I sense no lie"

Present Mic: Huh?! Impossible! Time travel is supposed to be science fiction

Paradox pulls out his Chrono Navigator "You say that, but Nezu and the teachers of Classes 1-A, and 1-B are holding a conference to distract the League of Villains as other heroes locate their base of operations in a few hours correct?"

The entire staff is in shock

Paradox places a hand on Eri's shoulder "Eri has other matters to attend to here, so why don't I answer whatever questions you have? She can come back afterwards"

The teachers agree and Eri is sent on her way

Eri: *The kids are probably trying to help Class 1-A find their missing friends, which means they'll get caught in the middle when Kendo and Iida try to stop them... I got it!*

Skip to Kendo and Iida's team meeting the rescue squad

Eri watches from nearby as the two teams face off

Eri: Guess I'll have to stop that

She jumps down into the shadows and walks over "At ease people!" She says, catching everyone's attention "Before we reenact Injustice, or Captain America:Civil War... or any War episode ever, let's talk about what we're gonna do ok?

After Toshi told everyone his plan, Eri went to a police station where several heroes met up

Endeavor: Are we certain we can trust the words of this girl?

He points to Eri who scowls at him "As much as we can trust you to abuse your family you sick bastard"

Endeavor looks at her completely aghast as everyone stares at the two in an awkward silence

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