"We're not friends, Potter."

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Hello lovelies! 💕 New chapter, and AGGHH JEGULUS FINALLY

I mean, attempted slow burn, but still. Jegulus. (Edit - holy crap I obviously don't know how to do slow burn because that is hella romantic but oh well I tried)

Edit: Upon my reread, I found that I said Sirius and Regulus were in the sky on the same night, and I'm not entirely sure that's possible, as certain stars are only visible certain times of the year. I'm not into Astronomy, so if anything I said about the stars was untrue, please forgive me. Just pretend Regulus and Sirius could be in the sky together.

Without further ado, let's get into it. Enjoy the chapter!xx💕

Fucking Potter.

All the anger Regulus held for the group of shitheaded Gryffindors seemed to bubble up now, it's primary target James Fucking Potter.

How much did they know in comparison to his best friend? More. His best friend — who didn't find out for years — knew less than this stupid golden boy right in front of Regulus.

So of course, he did what any reasonable person would do and he chucked the bottle at Potter's fat head. It shattered with a smash that made Regulus cringe away, but it was at least satisfying to watch the glittering pieces fall, dim rainbows reflected in the glass. The pieces rained upon the floor, clinking like frozen rain, and Regulus could see in the dim light — barely, but he still could see — that it hadn't hit Potter. He rolled his eyes, although no one could see in this light.

Potter removed his arms from his head, where they had been substituting for an umbrella, and looked up slowly.

"What the hell, Reggie?" he hissed, jumping to his feet, the glass crunching underneath his stark white trainers, which seemed to glow in the dark, due to Euphemia's thorough cleaning of them earlier in the morning.

"Oops, I missed," Regulus said dryly.

"Why did you throw a glass bottle at me?" Potter asked indignantly.

"I dunno, why did you come and talk to me even if you knew it was me?!?" Regulus asked, getting to his feet as well. He swayed as the blood rushed back to his feet and Potter grabbed Regulus' shoulder, steadying the younger boy.

"I'm sure you would have gone to check on your friend as well if they were sitting in the faceless corridor at... I dunno... like 10:45 on a Friday night!" James said, pausing as he tried to guess the time.

"We're not friends, Potter," Regulus snapped, shoving James' hand from his shoulder.

"We could be," James offered.

"No thanks, I'm all good on that," Regulus rejected, screwing up his face in disgust.

"Okay, well, none of this matters." James brushed off the rejection like it was nothing (four years of rejection will toughen one up like that) and continued persistently.

"What does matter?" Regulus inquired, arching an eyebrow that nobody could see.

"You were talking to a raven in the middle of the faceless corridor on a Friday night. Care to explain?"

"No, I don't," Regulus snapped, before walking away.

James hurried after him, and fell into step with Regulus, who seemed intent on escaping Potter.

"What's its name?" James asked, changing the subject.

"What?" Regulus was thrown off by the random question he couldn't make sense of. He faltered in his step slightly, and James took advantage of this, catching up with Regulus fully. Regulus noticed, and sped up with a scowl.

Jegulus: the escaping of a broken homeWhere stories live. Discover now