"You know my name."

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Hello lovelies! 💕 Just a filler chapter, what happened from James' POV

TW! Slight mentions of abuse and scarring

Also. I would like to apologize for any update notifications you get that aren't from a new chapter. Sometimes I'm re-reading and I edit the chapter and upload it again. I dunno if you get notifications from that, 😅 sorry

And I'm sorry for not updating! I started at a new school and I've been stressed with that, so... yeah. 😀👍🏽


Hope you enjoy the chapter!xx 💕

"What just happened?" Mary whispered loudly, breaking the silence and looking away from the spot where Regulus had been standing.

That seemed to break everyone else's trance, and we all looked around.

Lily answered quietly, "I don't know, but I don't think we should be expecting Regulus to interact with us again anytime soon." She grabbed the remaining candy from her pile and put it in her pocket. Marlene and Mary followed suit, their pockets now bulging with sweets, their eyes pointedly avoiding the spot Regulus had been in.

Frank and Alice engaged in a quiet conversation, holding hands as they opened the door, Alice looking behind at the girls. Marlene and Mary gave her a thumbs up, before signaling her to go with Frank. I almost snorted at their enthusiasm, but it seemed like the wrong thing to do when I could still remember Regulus flinging his arms up in defense.

Lily and Peter followed shortly after, Lily talking about how excited she was for lessons to begin while Peter was saying the opposite. Remus followed behind them silently, shaking his head or putting on an amused expression at the right times.

I looked at Sirius, who was standing by my side and staring at Remus, like a lovestruck puppy. Which, I reminded myself, he was.

Obviously, I was the only one still thinking about Regulus, as the others seemed positively unfazed now. I was also clearly the only one to have noticed the bruises when we were all changing.

So I brushed the thought off, and turned to Marlene, who said, "After you, gents." She held her arm out politely, but dramatically. Sirius returned the gesture with an exaggerated curtsy, then he followed the others, sweeping his hair back smoothly. I flashed the two girls a grin and followed him, running a hand through my hair.

Mary snorted from behind me, and I could hear two light footsteps following me. We soon reached the exit, and I hopped off, ignoring the steps completely. Looking around, slightly dazed from the four foot jump, I spotted Lily's bright red hair and made my way over to the group, Mary and Marlene's footsteps crunching on the gravel behind me.

Everyone was engaged in their own conversations as we made our way to the carriages. Frank and Alice got into their own carriage, and Marlene and Mary were wiggling their eyebrows suggestively. Alice glared at them, and I snorted as we all tried to squish into one carriage. Sirius ended up sitting on Remus, who complained for a bit but then settled for hugging Sirius from behind as he talked to Peter and Lily, who had Marlene seated on her lap. Marlene was still talking to Mary, which made for a chaotic ride as everyone was talking across each other. I sighed and slumped back, not finding anything interesting. Sirius noticed and leaned forward to talk to me.

"So how was your summer?"

"You were there, dimwit," I rolled my eyes as I answered.

"I know, you just seemed bored. What's on your mind?" Sirius asked suggestively, raising his eyebrows and winking dramatically.

Jegulus: the escaping of a broken homeDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu