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   James' POV

   "JAMSIE-POO WAKE UP!!" A voice screamed in my ear.

   I jolted awake at the sound, only vaguely aware of my surroundings as I tried to shove the two struggling teenagers off me.

   "Padfoot! I told you not to wake him up like that!"
   "Jesus, sorry, he just needed a wake-up call."
   "Exactly, just a wake-up call, not whatever that was!"

   I listened as their bickering continued, reaching out blindly for my glasses. My hand patted the surface of my nightstand. I knocked over something, wasn't sure what it was. I sighed, frustrated, and withdrew my hand, trying not to break anything.

   I waited for them to notice me. It obviously wasn't going to happen.

   "Oi! Glasses, please?"

   I blinked as someone shoved a pair of glasses on my face, rather crookedly. The frame was cold on my face, and I straightened them out hurriedly as I looked up at my two best friends.

   "Morning, Prongs," Remus said, helping me up.

    "Did you have a good sleep Prongsie-Poo?" Sirius asked.

   I rolled my eyes and swung an arm around his shoulder, straightening up to make it obvious that I was only an inch shorter than him, something he loved to rub in my face.

   "It was wonderful, thanks for asking," I said pointedly.

   "What'd you dream about? Anything interesting?" Sirius asked carelessly.

   "Bold of you to assume I had a dream," I retorted, walking ahead of him.

   "Well, did you?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

   "What about?"
   "Your mom."
   "That's not a dream, that's a nightmare."

   Remus rolled his eyes and followed us.

   He was 6'2, which was six inches taller than me and five inches taller than Sirius. At least he didn't rub it in my face. That would be a nightmare.

"Fucking immature idiots," he muttered.

   "BOYS, BREAKFAST IS READY!!" my mum called from downstairs, just as I was heading down there anyways. I loped down the rest of the stairs with an easy grin on my face, taking a seat at the rectangular breakfast table. Plates of pancakes drifted into their places in front of us, as well as butter, maple syrup, Nutella, whipped cream, sprinkles and chocolate sauce, making a beautiful pancake bar.

   Side note, courtesy of Regulus: Yeah, James' mum is that mum. I've met her — I know, I'm so cool (dear reader, that was sarcasm). The cool-you-wish-she-was-yours type mum. And Sirius and Remus got to experience that as well, something James was glad of. According to him, everyone should be able to have this. Well, with the exception of Snivellus.

   Remus put some chocolate syrup on his and started eating. Sirius grabbed the Nutella and I went all out on everything else.

   "Ever reckon Professor Tuttle eats like this?" Sirius asked through a mouthful of whipped cream. He was now using the whipped cream can to draw a smiley face on his Nutella-covered pancake. He swallowed and squeezed another large swirl into his mouth. Remus rolled his eyes at his Sirius and looked back at his plate.

   Professor Tuttle is our Divination teacher and no one has ever seen him eat. Ever.

   "No, if he actually saw this he would probably would say our toppings are a reflection of our personality and what we aspire to be or want to cover up from the dark, mysterious folds of our past," Remus said absentmindedly.

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