The Black brothers

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Regulus' POV

And there I was, staring into the grey-blue eyes of my brother, Sirius Black. It had been a year since he left, a year in which we had slowly lost contact, because "I was joining the wrong side." Like I was the traitor.

"Hello." I somehow managed to get out, probably a built in mannerism from having to greet all the pureblood families at social events. However this greeting was neither given with a polite tone or a rude one, just something I managed to say to acknowledge their presence.

Sirius stood there, staring dumbstruck. We were both Hogwarts students on the same train, running into each other wasn't that shocking. Refraining from rolling my eyes at his stupidity, I turned to face the window and the forgotten silver raven. I hastily vanished it.

He must have recovered from the shock, because I heard him ask, "Why are you sitting here?"

"I'm trying to summon the Dark Lord, why do you think?" I asked, layering on the sarcasm real thick. I didn't bother to look at him, but then I realized it might seem petty of me to look away, so I faced his group.

"Cocky." I heard someone in the crowd of people behind him say.

"I mean, don't you have your own little gang of death eaters to get back to?" He sneered at me.

I didn't answer. I didn't know what to say to that. 'No?' or more sarcasm? Before I could decide on an answer, Sirius said something else.

"Whatever. Let's go find another compartment."

"All the other ones are full now." A girl with a Scottish accent complained.

"Plus this is the only one big enough to fit all of us." A redhead said with a slight North London accent. I knew her, she was pretty bright. A muggle-born though, so Avery and Mulciber were always after her. She had some kind of one-sided romance affair with Severus, so he was always trying to win her back or something.

"Fine." Sirius said. I couldn't read what was laced in his voice. Disappointment probably.

"Excuse me, can we sit here?" The boy I knew to be Sirius' boyfriend asked.

"Sure." I said dismissively.

In filed 9 people, some of which I recognized mostly by face, but had never really bothered to get to know. And then of course, the people I knew.

First my brother, who chose to sit in the corner farthest away from me. Real mature. I almost scoffed aloud at the action. Then came his boyfriend. He seemed nice enough, and I knew he was really smart. A prefect too.

After that Sirius' best friend Potter followed, an easy grin on his face. I could tell just by the way he walked he meant chaos. He wasn't half-bad on the eye either. He had a sturdy muscled frame, that I figured was from Quidditch. His square, maroon glasses fit his face perfectly, as though they had always been a part of his face. He was the Gryffindor seeker and captain, so I had faced him before. Although he was a rather big build for a seeker he was really good. I stopped thinking about him, why had I given him the extra few seconds of thought anyways? I pushed this fact away and looked at the others.

In followed the redhead, Evans, I think her name was. A shame she wasn't a pureblood, she could have some real potential. She was tiny, only 5'4 looking. She looked like she had just gotten out of bed with her messy hair and grey sweatpants, but she somehow pulled off the casual look.

Then came this girl I had only seen once. She had dreadlocks, and I recognized her as the girl with the Scottish accent. She was also, well, not small but not really tall. She looked 5'6 maybe. She also looked like she just got out of bed. So not a morning person, and she couldn't pull it off. She also seemed to know that, as she wore a tired, bitchy expression.

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