Never have I ever... been gay?

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Regulus' POV

"Never have I ever... kissed a teacher?" Fortescue asked, hesitantly putting a jelly bean in the pile in the center of the circle. There was a chorus of "ew" and surprised questions, but she just looked down, embarrassed. I laughed, but was also curious.

"That's a story I need to hear." I said, nibbling at a jellybean.

She smiled up at me, before nervously tugging at her sleeve and admitting, "It was second year and I was in detention with Flitwick for hexing Mulciber after..." she trailed off, looking at Evans uncomfortably.

"Woah, that was you?" I asked curiously, before continuing, choosing to ignore the look she had given Evans. "I remember that, he came back from the hospital wing shit-talking about you guys. He was so pissed at everyone, he almost killed Barty for "breathing funny"." I snickered, making bunny ears with my fingers around the words "breathing funny".

She frowned. "Barty...?" She asked questioningly.

"Crouch." Sirius finished.
"Jr." McKinnon added, biting the head off of a chocolate frog rather aggressively.

"His dad works for the ministry." Pettigrew added bitterly. I gave him a glance, wondering why he seemed so upset. Potter seemed to notice this as well and quickly cut in, "So, continue, Ali."

"Oh, right." She said, looking away from the Scottish girl, who was now trying to swallow a licorice wand whole.

"So I was in detention, and he was sitting on his stack of books grading some essays, when the books slid out from under him and he fell like three feet. So then he was unconscious and I ran over and I thought he was dead and..."

"And what?" McKinnon snickered.
"The princess woke him up with a true love's kiss." Evans said in a false high voice, putting a hand to her forehead dramatically.

"No!" Fortescue exclaimed, her eyes widening as she playfully hit Evans on the arm. "I tried to... um... I kind of... I- well..." she sighed, before mumbling, "I tried to give him CPR."

Everyone burst out laughing, even the Scottish girl, resulting in her choking on some of the candy. I laughed - despite my training not to - and quickly stopped as I thumped the girl on the back. She recovered, gasping for air but still laughing, with tears streaming down her face. I tried and failed to stifle another laugh as I handed her a napkin.

"Oh my god." She breathed, dabbing at her eyes.

"Oh my god." McKinnon echoed, tilting her head up, tears of mirth in her eyes. Pettigrew looked at her questioningly, and she noticed, explaining, "I almost cried, but my new foundation is 48 galleons." I snickered again, with Potter, as Evans scolded her half-heartedly - suppressing her own grin - for spending unnecessary money.

"Did he wake up though?" Lupin questioned, ignoring the scene next to him, snorting slightly at the thought.

She gave a short laugh, before answering, "No, thank heavens. I poured water on him, then he woke up."

I actually laughed at that, Potter mirroring me.

"And only then he woke up?" Lupin questioned, shaking with silent laughter. Sirius buried his face in Lupin's jumper, also trying to hold back laughter.

"Did he realize?" McKinnon asked with a look of astonishment on her face.

"How come I didn't hear about this? I'm your best friend!" The Scottish girl exclaimed indignantly.

Fortescue gave her an exasperated glance before answering all three questions with, "Yes, no, thank god, and because you would never let me live it down, Mary." She directed the last part at the girl, narrowing her eyes.

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