Family reunion, yay!

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"Hurry up boys, you're going to be late!" A voice carried through James' door, faint but still audible.

"Coming mum!" James called back, hurriedly tugging on a white sock he found under his bed. Running a hand through his hair, he shoved his wand into the back pocket of his blue pair of skinny jeans. Giving his mirror-self one last glance to make sure he had gotten all the stains off his white t-shirt, he ran out the door.

He stumbled straight into someone, who half-tripped before straightening up.

"Hey Moony. Where's Siri-"


"For fucks sake Padfoot, how did you manage to do that?" Remus said exasperatedly from across James, turning to a very panicked Sirius.

"I dunno, it was just there and then not!" He exclaimed, twirling a strand of hair furiously between his fingers as he did when he was stressed. "The universe hates me." Sirius groaned, blaming the universe at large like he usually did when something insignificant happened.

"Right... well. Where was the last place-"

"We talked about this Prongs, if I knew where I last had it, I would be looking there." Sirius said in a murderous tone.

Remus walked back out of the guest room he and Sirius shared. The boys hadn't even realized he had left. "I found it." He drawled, waving it in Padfoot's face.

"Where-" Sirius began, accepting the wand.

"BOYS, WE ARE LATE!!" Euphemia yelled, exasperated.

The three ran downstairs, slipping on the smooth wood underneath their socks.

"Alright, outside, go! The Portkey will leave in three minutes! Take your trunks." Euphemia said, putting away a few plates from breakfast.

After slipping on the shoes by the door, the boys headed out, Sirius' black sneakers unusually clean, thanks to Euphemia. James easily carried his heavy trunk outside. Quidditch muscles. Sirius could easily have carried his as well, but decided to fake-struggle and let Moony carry his as well.

"Alright, I'm here." Euphemia said breathlessly, having just half-ran towards them.

"Sorry dad couldn't be here James. He had to leave early. Business deal. But he wishes you good luck for the school year." Euphemia explained.

"It's okay, he'll write." James said.

"Yeah. Now grab it on the count of three." She looked around nervously. "One... two... three!" Four hands touched the old newspaper. Four people felt the rough jerk of their navel being pulled and squished through the Portkey.

Then James and Sirius fell out, sprawling onto the alleyway floor on top of each other in a most disgraceful way. Remus stumbled out, but managed to pick himself up with some grace. Euphemia landed on her feet, brushing off her skirt like it was the easiest thing on earth.

"Sorry, mate." Padfoot said from on top of James, getting up.
"No problem." James said, getting up with his signature crooked grin. His glasses were lopsided on his face but he either didn't notice or didn't care.

"Come, it's the next street over."

They all fell into step, silent because the busy streets of London provided enough noise.

They turned into the busy train station, King's Cross. "Platform 9 3/4." Euphemia said to no one in particular, before heading in the direction of platforms 9 and 10.

James, Sirius and Remus picked up trolleys on the way, wheeling their heavy baggage after James and Sirius's mum. One of the boys' trolleys had a squeaky wheel, but it faded into the background noise of the busy station.

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