A Memory of Tomorrow

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I opened my eyes and attempted to sit up, but a firm hand clasped mine, preventing me from doing so. A man stood there, his gaze fixed on my hand. It dawned on me that I must have drifted off while clutching the pregnancy test, and now this man had caught me doing it. Was this just a dream? In a state of disbelief, I began blinking rapidly and even used my free hand to poke myself rather forcefully. A surge of relief washed over me when I realized that his grip was real, as real as I had imagined it countless times before.

Suddenly, the life support machine next to him started beeping urgently.

"I need to go get you some help," I said urgently. But the man, despite the tubes going into his mouth, clutched my hands tighter. Even in his weakened state, he retained the same handsome charm I had admired when we first met.

"I won't leave you, okay?" I reassured him, gently cupping his cheek with my free hand.

With determination, I pressed the emergency button next to his bed, signaling for a nurse or doctor to come immediately. In a matter of seconds, two nurses rushed into the room, they carefully disconnected him from the life support machine and removed the tubes.

"We need you to let go of your girlfriend so we can finish this up," a nurse interrupted, addressing me. Her words caught me off guard, leaving me uncertain about the true nature of our relationship. Were we simply friends with benefits, or had we become something more, like a girlfriend and boyfriend? Perhaps I was even considered a baby momma without having disclosed my pregnancy to him. The confusion weighed heavily on me, making it difficult to respond or clarify the situation.

As I glanced at him, seeking some clarity, he looked back at me. In a silent exchange, he seemed to understand the nurse's assumption and, in response to my nod, he released my hand.

He had been in an induced coma for days, and his condition had been precarious. We had no certainty that he would make it through, and now, amidst this critical moment, I found myself grappling with these uncertainties about our relationship. The pressure of the situation only added to my emotional turmoil.

The view was undeniably terrifying as I stood there, helplessly witnessing his body convulsing uncontrollably. My limbs felt paralyzed, and even breathing seemed like a struggle. All I wanted was for him to be okay, to make it through this ordeal unscathed.

The past seventy-two hours had been a relentless storm of anxiety, as I grappled with the possibility of losing the man I loved. Time seemed to slow as the medical professionals did what they could, and I stood there, feeling like a mere spectator with my mind unable to process the intensity of the situation. My thoughts were a blank canvas, painted only with fear and concern for his well-being.

At that moment, I found myself inexplicably transported back to when it all started, to the moment that set this chain of events into motion.

I arrived in Rome along with a group of close friends. All of us were remote workers, seeking a refreshing change of scenery and an escape from the whirlwind of chaos awaiting us back home. We hoped that being here would not only provide us with new experiences but also help us forget about the craziness we left behind.

As our journey was coming to an end, three nights ago marked what was meant to be our final night in this foreign city. We had made the most of our time, staying as long as we could without the need for visas. That night, with a mix of bittersweet emotions, we decided to bid Italy farewell in style, making it a memorable goodbye to the place that had briefly become our home. We set out to party hard, celebrating the unforgettable moments we shared together in this beautiful country.

We gathered with a group of close friends we'd made, and that night, we indulged in excessive drinking and smoking. It was a rare moment of losing control for me during our entire time in this city, but I felt the need to let go and escape from the reality check that awaited me back home. The prospect of returning to my usual life wasn't something I looked forward to, and Henry was a significant reason for that desire to stay longer if only there was a way. However, I pushed the thoughts of him aside for the moment.

One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora