Before I go

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"Mister! Mister!"

Anon could hear a voice, it felt distant, but he couldn't move. There was a mass of liquid stuck in his body, preventing him from consciousness.

"Mister! Wake up!" Someone kept yelling and poking at the unconscious man.

"Mom! Mom!" He could hear the little fellow yelling.

The boy's mom went running to him as soon as she heard him.

"Jonah! What's going on?"

"The sea spit him up! He was flying and then fell on my rocks!"

She realized her son had a wild imagination and couldn't count on figuring out what happened with his story.

"Sir! Sir!" The woman was next to the little boy, both hovering over the unconscious man. She examined the naked man and saw all sorts of bruises and blood in his legs and head.

"Ma. Is he dead?"

"Jonah, get back."

If he was, she wanted to protect her child from seeing what death looked like at such a young age.

"He's bleeding badly. Somebody call 911!"

People started surrounding them in a circle, trying to help. "He's not breathing!" One of them yelled.

"I know CPR." One of the ladies yelled as if she wanted to give it to him.

"I'm a doctor. Everyone move back!"

Deep in his subconscious, he felt as she started pumping his chest and a mouth placed on his lips. A weird feeling came over him as he was suddenly being filled up with air.

"You are not dying on me. Come on."

After a few times of this, finally, Anon woke up naked on the shore, lying on the ground.

He started coughing up water, but he couldn't get up. He looked at his savior and stared at her in shock, and his eyes widened.

"Are you okay?" The woman's voice was like a melody to him.

The woman helped him sit up. He was about to fall back down, but she grabbed his back, keeping him in place.

"Atlanna, my Atlanna."

"He must have a concussion." One of the people surrounding them suggested.

"Stay still. I'm going to get you help."

The man looked at her and grabbed her, his grip firm.

"You're hurting me." The woman grabbed his hand, and he loosened up, letting her go.

"Atlanna, stay with me."

"I'm not that person. I'm sorry. My name is-." But his lips crushed hers and interrupted the conversation along with her thoughts. She struggled in his grip again. She didn't want to push him and hurt him more than he was and gave in.

"Stay. Stay." He pulled back and whispered as he felt himself weaken and passed out, and she embraced him in so he wouldn't fall back.

She couldn't let this person die in front of her.

"How long before the paramedics get here."

"It seems part of the wave we saw nearby went into the land and blocked their path, they said about an hour. Probably more."


"Useless, right?"

"Forget them. My house is nearby, and I have a first aid kit." She turned around to the men that were there and asked her to help her pick him up to take him to her car.

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