Chapter 52 - More History

Start from the beginning

"Is everything okay?" Keira asked me, as I walked into the dressing room.

"Just got fucking grilled by that douchebag," I said, referencing our manager.

"What'd he say?" She asked.

"Just a bunch of shit," I replied, "anyways, can we go? I want to get home." Keira and I had been living together for a while, after moving out of our childhood home.

"Yeah sure," she replied. She was worried, but didn't question it. No one questioned it. No one at all.


I stared at the message I got from Sam Mewis.

Sam Mewis: Hey Ettie, I know this is really random but I'd really like to talk to you. Please give me a ring when you can.

I had talked to Sam before. We had quite a few mutuals, and the football world is so small that most people know each other. Keira and Sam were quite close when Sam played a season at City, just after I had left. She left England quite unexpectedly, despite having a remarkable season with City.

As I continued to look at the message, Leah came over.

"Is everything alright?" She asked, sitting beside me.

"Just got an interesting message," I replied, still looking at the phone.

"Sam Mewis?" Leah asked, looking over at my screen, "Didn't know you guys were friends."

"We aren't," I replied.

I decided to message Keira, to see if she knew what Sam was wanting to talk about.

Ettie: just got a random message from sam mewis, do you know anything about it?

Keira: no lol thats random

Ettie: i know, really really weird.

"I might call her now," I said to Leah, "see what she wants." I stood up and went into the other room, closing the door.

I rang her number, and it buzzed several times until she picked it up.

"Sam?" I said, speaking into the phone.

"Hey Ettie, thanks for calling me back," she replied, her Boston accent strong against my British one.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm coming to London in a few weeks to see my sister and what not, and I wanted to actually talk to you about some things."

"Yeah, sure, is there anything in particular?"

"Yeah, there is," she replied, chuckling slightly, "it's about the old City manager." My heart slightly dropped. "You still there, Ettie?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm here. We can talk, just let me know when you're in town and we can grab coffee or something."

"Great, thank you. I know this is a bit strange but thanks, Ettie. I really appreciate it."

When I walked back outside, I immediately message Keira.

Ettie: she wants to talk about him... did anything ever happen to her?

Keira: what?! Not that I know of.

Ettie: this isn't good Kie.

Keira: everything will be okay, please don't worry yourself.

Keira doesn't understand how I feel. She knew about everything that happened - well, most of it. If she knew the whole story, she'd understand why I was nervous. Very nervous.

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