Strawberry Fields

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They were supposed to be picking strawberries, not taking a nap. But here they were, with Nico snoring softly as Will acted as a giant pillow.

Not that Will minded, of course.

Will had managed to get a day off from the infirmary, where Nico had been helping him out more often. He would wrap up scratches, give out nectar, treat bloody noses - the whole works. And while Will appreciated this, he also knew that it had the tendency to wear Nico out on occasion.

So Will had decided that today would be the perfect day to relax. The strawberry fields were relatively quiet, and if they were careful, they could sneak the occasional strawberry. The sun was warm and bright today, warming smiles that needed to be defrosted.

Everything was wonderful today.

Will ran a hand through Nico's hair. Nico had put it up at the beginning of their day, but hadn't bothered to fix it as the day continued and his hair started to revolt against the hair tie. Carefully, Will pulled the hair tie out of Nico's hair and gently brushed the leftover strands from his face.

Purple bags still sat underneath Nico's eyes. Truthfully, Will wasn't sure that they'd ever fully fade. Through his years at camp, especially as a year-rounder, he had noticed that the older the demigods were, the more prominently their experiences weighed on their faces. Every bit of their lives would sit on their shoulders, threatening worse with each passing second.

Though no one seemed quite as bad as Nico.

Sometimes, Nico's hold would slip. When this happened, Will would get distracted only to turn and find Nico starting out into nothing, eyes empty. Most of the time, Will would talk to Nico in an attempt to distract him, to reel him back in. However, other times, Will would leave him alone so that he could sit with his thoughts.

It was hard to see someone's own mind cause them to feel broken and hollow. It was worse by far to see them try to pretend that nothing was bothering them at all.

Will looked down at Nico, who had bunched up his jacket to use as a pillow and laid on his lap. His face was peaceful. Will felt himself smiling slightly as he looked down at him.

Will wouldn't give this up for the world.

Will closed his eyes, leaning back on his hands, but being careful not to disturb Nico's slumber. The sun warmed Will's face, and he thought to remember this moment forever.

They stayed this way for a few minutes more, with Nico fast asleep and Will basking in the happiness of the present memory.

Suddenly, Will's legs began to grow cold. The sun that had warmed the strawberries seemed to draw back its warmth. Frowning, Will opened his eyes. Nico's face was drawn tight, his hands clenched in fists. A bubble of shadow was beginning to surround them, making the grass begin to wilt.

Will gently lifted Nico into an embrace, attempting to wake him up carefully. The last time Will had woken Nico from a nightmare too abruptly, he had walked around for a sore nose for a week. Nico flinched when he awoke, but quickly wrapped his arms around WIll and buried his face into his shoulder. Will placed his check on Nico's hair, wiggling his nose to ignore the tickle that the stray hairs caused. Slowly, the tension in Nico's shoulders disappeared. Will placed a small kiss on Nico's temple.

"You're okay. I'm right here."

Nico hummed in response.

The sun was warm again and the smell of strawberries gently accented the air. The day was great for strawberry picking. The day was great for a day off.

The day was great to be in love with Nico, just like any other day.

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