Love Languages

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Everyone has at least one love language, and if you watch closely enough, you can see it in the way in which they interact with others.

There are five love languages: quality time, physical touch, acts of service, words of affirmation, and receiving gifts.

On any day of the week, Will Solace can be found playing the role of the comforter - the healer. That's his job at Camp Half-Blood. Taking care of people is simply what he is best at. However, if you look even closer, taking care of people is how he says he loves them.

When one of his siblings is having a hard day, Will offers to help them with their tasks for the day. If a new camper is upset, Will can be seen retying their shoes and finding them a tissue before leading them somewhere where they feel safe. When one of his friends needs assistance, Will is the first person to be there, offering his help as best he can.

You don't have to look closely to see this when Will is around Nico.

During mealtimes, Will can be found quietly grabbing a fork for Nico, who frequently forgets to get one with the rest of his meal. A napkin is slid silent across the table as Nico scowls at his hands, which had managed to get messy even with the use of a fork. If Nico drops something, Will reaches over to cover the corner of the table with his hand, ensuring that Nico doesn't hit his head.

Outside of mealtimes is even more prominent.

When they work in the infirmary together, Will always brings a jacket for Nico, making sure that he stays warm. Nico frequently organizes the different closets in the infirmary, and when he can't quite reach something, Will receives the item without being asked. During specific days, where Nico is tired and the world is continuing to exhaust him, Will hands Nico his favorite snacks and the water bottle that he always carries - just in case.

You don't have to look closely to see that Will Solace's love language is acts of service when he's around Nico.

Nico di Angelo, on the other hand, is a bit more cautious with his love. It's evident in the way that he looks at the ground, wondering what he could have done differently when a pair of siblings arrive at camp. For someone who has lost many, love is hard to continue to give for the fear of losing again. However, when Nico loves, his love shines brilliantly.

You can see it in the way that he stands near Hazel, giving her a brotherly kiss on the forehead when he realizes that they are yet again safe - at least for the moment. You can see it in the way that he bumps shoulders with his friends when they come back to visit camp, not bothering to move away. You can see it in the way that he rests a reassuring hand on new campers who are overwhelmed with the world around them, making sure that they are aware that while this new world is different, they are not alone.

Like Will, you don't have to look closely for this when Nico is around Will.

As they walk to the campfire, Nico interlaces their fingers tightly and both he and Will walk, swinging their hands between them. Nico will lean against Will's side during meals and campfires, watching the campers around them chat excitedly. He'll wrap his arms around Will's shoulders during overwhelming days in the infirmary, and rests his head on top of Will's hair as they watch the sunset from the top of the hill. Quick kisses on the cheek are given when the opportunity arises, and Nico always smiles when Will's ear turn the slightest shade of pink.

When Will is having a day where the world is overwhelming and he just can't help enough, Nico will sit, lacing their fingers together and placing his forehead on Will's, allowing them to bask in a comforting silence.

You don't have to look closely to see that Nico di Angelo's love language is physical touch when he is around Will.

You don't have to look closely at all to see that Nico and Will have managed to find the person that they love.

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