Getting off the toilet is a struggle too, Niall stands there with me. The boys visit us more than we visit them because I can't stand. I can't sleep, I can't eat anything they don't like cause I'll be throwing up for hours. I'm having to pee constantly and it's just been so hard on me.

I can't lay on my side because then they squish each other and it stretches my skin so hard it burns, if I lay on my back, they press onto my bladder and I'm peeing again. It's literally so incredibly hard but with his support, the fans support and the boys; Emma and Eleanor, I feel like I have a huge family here to support me.

I haven't had sex in two months and that doesn't help with Niall's horniness because I can't lay on my back, if I open my legs to far I pee so I've called off sex. Niall can't help himself, he's just horny.

I felt Emma's baby kick and it was the cutest thing because her bump is so tiny. It's still like a lump even if she is 20 weeks, but I'm obsessed with him.

It's a boy.

They decided to name him Hayden because that was the name we had picked out but because we weren't using it, she was. It was a weird feeling, it feels better when it's inside you but feeling someone else's baby kick is good too.

I only had a 4 weeks until my due date which was incredibly nerve racking. We needed to get a house, we needed a nursery for them. Have a place where they can grow up.

We planned everything, we packed a hospital bag already so in case they come before their due date, we were prepared. Everything was slowing down with the boys, they were all on a small break before getting together to write more songs before going back on tour again for 3 months instead of 6.

He didn't want to go on tour again because of the twins but I wouldn't let him not go. We had an ultrasound appointment today and saw that Blake is right near the birth canal. It's any day now.

What the fuck?

Ruby was still in her normal position, her head kinda tilting towards the birth canal too. We got bassinets, both on my side of the bed that had a baby outfit in it with a small stuffed animal.

We were given so many baby clothes by his mom and my mom so we had so much stuff, too much stuff. I sit at home, watching Netflix, crying over how hot James Ver Dan Beek looks in Dawsons Creek. I watched Friends, Dawsons Creek, The Notebook, Titanic, Forest Gump, The Green Mile and anything I could fin really.

They made music videos; Best Song Ever, Story Of My Life, Midnight Memories and You & I. I watch those as well but mostly Netflix.

Niall was currently out, getting me Starbucks and I was at home, watching some Dawsons Creek.

"God, will you stop!" I throw my hands out, looking at my stomach that was moving. "Please," I whine. "Give me a break for fuck sake you ungrateful little shits!" I shout.

They don't stop.

"Don't make me come in there," I shake my head. "Because if you make me, it won't be pretty,"

They don't stop.

I toss my head back and groan loudly, punching the mattress next to me. "God, I just want you out!"

"I don't care, Blake, just break your fucking water please!"

"Baby," Niall opens the door, walking into the main bedroom. "There she is," he winks. He does anything he can to make me feel better but it never works.

"When these babies are here, I'm killing them, they won't stop!" I point to my stomach that was moving still. "They're driving me insane!" I throw my head back.

"I know baby, but you've done so well and you're nearly done," he hands me the drink.

"What size is this?" I look at it.


"It got smaller then,"

"No it didn't babe," he shakes his head.

"Are you saying I'm wrong?" I arch a brow.

He sighs. "They wouldn't change the cup size,"

"So you're saying I'm wrong?"

"Don't do that," he shakes his head. "Yes, I know they wouldn't change the cup size but getting mad at me for saying it as well, I know your miserable and in pain,"

I stare at him.

I take the drink and huff, pressing play and drinking it. Everyone annoys me. I just want these babies to be out of me, I'm over being pregnant.

a lot to take it but, there's only a few chapters left :)

because as i said, i'm bored of this book and if i don't finish it, i never will🤷‍♀️

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