Chapter 66

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Abby Miller

"We have to do this," Niall says as I sit at the edge of the bed in my bra and underwear, my bulging stomach getting in the way as I hunch over.

"But you're not carrying extra weight, standing is a job and a half," I whine.

"We need to go through what we got so we can cross what we have off the list and get the things we need," he says, sitting cross legged on the floor with bags of stuff we got today. "Just sit on the floor with me," he sighs.

"Fine," I groan. I hold my lower back and push myself up. He holds his hands out which I take and lower myself before falling onto my ass on the floor.

"It can't be that hard to sit down, you're not even that big yet," he says making my glare at him. "Or not, aw baby, are you okay?" he pouts, covering up what he said before.

"No uterus no opinion, you have no idea what it's like carrying your babies, they're heavy," I point, quoting Rachel from Friends.

"Okay, I'm sorry," he widens his eyes, dumping one bag full of new born baby clothes. I sigh, leaning over to grab some. Some were blue, pink, green, yellow and white jumpsuits. I didn't really care what thee twins wore when they are born so some were plain and some had patterns on them.

The other bag had some stuff we won't need for a while but we were going to buy them now anyway. It had some pacifiers, bottles, wraps, a toy that is a pig and a dog and other essentials.

The last bag had some toys, books, diapers, play mats, accessories mostly for Ruby so we can tell her apart from Blake. Because Niall is rich as fuck, he spent a lot of money on the twins so they could have the best but I chucked in a few cheap ones so no one thinks they're spoilt. We neatly folded some clothes while talking a little.

"Louis," we hear moan. I snap my head up imediently, snapping my head to the right wall.


"Shh!" I shush him instantly. I listen out for more because I know they always make out but what if they're fucking. I listen out but hear nothing. I keep an ear out but soon hear a slight banging and Eleanor and Louis both moan. "No fucking way!" I gasp.

"Are they fucking?" Niall grins.

"Um," I pretty much buzz of excitement for her. "Yeah!" I nod, a knock on the door floods our ears so Niall opens it which Taylor stands there, holding her hand up with wide eyes.

"Oh my god," we hear Louis through the wall which makes Tay and I gasp, dropping our jaws. I find a random burst of energy to make me stand up, my eyes almost folding into black and I couldn't hear anything.

That's the worst head rush.

"Baby be careful," Niall stands up too, holding my shoulders as I close my eyes and shake my head a little, my head throbbing now.

"Fuck," I open my eyes again. "Ooh," I place a hand on my stomach. I felt dizzy and I feel my skin turn pale.

"This is why you need to take it easy," he says, guiding me to the bathroom. I kneel on the floor and grip the toilet bowl, feeling coming up my throat so I gag once and then swallow. "Don't hold it in, I know you need too," he says.

I cough it out, throwing up a lot more than I thought. He rubs my back but my hair was already in a ponytail. "What happened?" Taylor comes in.

"She stood up to fast, she can't do that," he shakes his head.

"Why?" she asks.

"It gives her a head rush and having a to bad of a head rush can make you faint and she can't faint," he shakes his head.

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