Chapter 3

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2 weeks later


Niall Horan
I was so ready to get back with the boys to write new songs. We had just revealed the cover and name and the fans loved it.

It was an early Friday morning and a small knock on the door made me turn my head towards the door. I place my guitar down and walk out the studio room and out the main part of the house.

I grip the door open and see a girl with long brown hair, hazel eyes and parted lips lips. She had a cropped shirt on with leggings and the gem from her belly button piercing poking out at the top.

I feel like I had seen her somewhere.

"Um?" I nibble on my lip, looking over her shoulder to see if anyone else was with her. "How did you find me?" I furrow my brows and she drops her head, tucking hair behind her pierced ears.

"I've been here before," she says making my eyes snap to hers. Her face looked drained, bags under her eyes and her bottom lip quivered. "What do you mean, been here before?" I eye her down and then it hit me.

"Oh my god," I say making her eyes meet with mine. "Are you the one who I saw at the bar a month or something ago but left without saying anything?" I ask and she lets a tear fall, making me look even more confused. Why was she crying?

"Mhm, and I need to talk to's important," she says in a sad tone which makes my face soften a little.

"You're not here with fans are you?" I ask but she shakes her head.

"Just me," she wraps her arms over her stomach.

"Do you want to come in?" I ask and she nods with a sniff so I stand out the way.

She takes a step in, swallowing and looking around the place. I shake my head and close the door, actually letting someone in my house.

"It's Ally...or Amelia, right?" I ask but she shakes her head twice.

"Abby," her voice breaks.

"Oh, I knew it started with a A," I nod and she stands their awkwardly looking around the room. "Um, sorry about the mess, I've been busy," I pick up empty water bottles from the coffee table on put them near the kitchen.

She slowly takes a couple of steps forward, still looking at the place and I come over to the couch and sit down. "You can sit," I touch her arm but she softly flinched at it.

"Sorry," I apologise but she shakes her head and sits a cushion away from me, her arms still around her stomach. "So...?" I click my tongue and nod.

"Sorry," she mumbles, meeting eyes with mine again.

"Can I get you anything?" I offer.

"No thanks," she smiles quickly.

"So why are you here?" I shrug.

"Well, you- you know about a month and a half ago, know?" she stutters and I nod hoping she'll keep going.

"Slept toghether?" I arch a brow, earning a nod from her, "what about it?" I clear my throat.

"This is the hard part," she drops her head sadly.

"Maybe if you wrote it down it'll be easier," I furrow my brows but she shakes her head.

"It's not hard to say, it's the fact that it even happened," she clarified, taking a deep breath and I was getting impatient.

"I'm pregnant," she whispers. "And it's yours, I know it is," she adds in the same tone.

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