Chapter 2

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Abby Miller
It's been two months since my hook up with Niall.

I went to work that Friday , Saturday and Sunday and then back to my normal schedule. The news came out that the One Direction would be back together in about a month, starting their tour weeks after they get back together.

I noticed something weird about myself.

I was constantly smelling everything stronger, like Emma's perfume would make me almost die even though I saw how much she sprayed and it was one squirt.

Then, I threw up one morning and I felt really gross so I called in sick from work and just sat around, craving chips so I raided the cupboards and got every packet of chips out and ate them so when Emma came home and saw me eating on the couch she was shocked. I got cramps and head aches and I knew something was wrong.

Because I had missed a period and that never happens.

I looked it up and it said a possible pregnancy and my stomach dropped. I gripped my phone so hard and shook my head because I had also put on a little bit of weight.

Tears welt in my eyes when I went to the store to get a pregnancy test, shaking and that feeling in your throat when you want to cry. I went home and peed on the sick, putting the cap and and mentally screaming because everything that I was feeling made sense.

Emma was at Nate's and I was home alone, cracking my knuckles and letting a tear fall down my cheek as I sit in the edge of the bathtub. My apple watch started beeping, letting me know the time was up.

"Okay, you're fine," I swallow and nod. "You've only gained weight from the've randomly been eating," I tell myself, picking up the test and shaking my head. I slowly turn the test over; my stomach drops and I let out a loud sob, screwing my eyes shut.

Two pink lines. I was pregnant.

I sob out loud and wrap my arms around my stomach, falling to the floor and bringing my knees to my chest, sobbing harshly. "How? I haven't ha-had sex-" I think but my eyes widen and I cry even louder that I scream.

"Fuck no!" I throw the test at the door as anger fills me. "You stupid bitch!" I scream, my eyes hurting from being screwed shut that I had to open them. My chest hurt and so did my eyes. "This is all your fault!" I scream out again, thinking he can hear me.

"You couldn't have pulled out?!" I wipe my eyes and growl because it's his fault I'm pregnant.

It's Niall's fault.

"W-Why did this happen to me?" I whisper, dropping my head.

I was pregnant with Niall Horan's baby - a member of the most famous boy bands in the world and he wouldn't even know about it. I feel so stupid that I didn't even realise that he didn't even use a condom at all so it was so easy to spot.

Laying on the bathroom floor, clutching my stomach, crying my heart out, I felt the need to throw up. I make my way up towards the toilet and grip it, throwing up for the 10th time this week.

I throw up making my throat sting and eyes water. My stomach emptied itself and I fell hungry, I had a headache and I was alone right now, and I knew it would be like that through my pregnancy.

"Abby!" Emma comes in the room, kicking the test with the door and runs over to me. "What the fuck?" she looks down at me sobbing.

"I-I'm alone," I cry but she furrows her brows.

"Abs, what do you mean?" she rubs my back.

"He got me pregnant and I'm now alone!" I cry and her eyes widen.

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