Chapter 4

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Niall Horan

"Niall, hey lad," Louis pulled away from Harry's lips, earning a groan from him.

"Hey you guys, where are the others?"

"They're all in there, even Simon but he couldn't stand to see Louis and I kissing so he made us go in this room," Harry sighed, cuddling into Louis' chest.

"Well, I need to talk to you all," I say, going in the other room to see, Zayn, Liam and Simon all looking at me.

"Niall!" Zayn smiled and so did Liam.

"Hey guys, can we talk?" I ask, sitting down as Louis and Harry came in the room but pulled apart when Simon gave them a eyebrow.

They sit apart from each other as I stood up, preparing myself.

"So um," I clear my throat. "In the break...I met someone," I say, making their eyes light up.

"Dude! that's so good!" Liam grinned.

"Yeah, I thought that too," I shake my head making his smile fade. "But thing lead to anoth-"

"What did you do, Niall?" Simon crossed his arm.

"S-She's pregnant...with my baby," I drop my head, making their faces and jaws drop.

"Who's she?" Harry gapes.

"Her name is Abby, I only had a one night stand with her and she ended up pregnant,"

"What have I said about hooking up with fans?" Simon gets annoyed, having a red face.

"She wasn't a fan, well not as much as her roommate anyway,"

"So you're going to be a father?" Louis speaks up and I nod softly.

"And I was wondering..." I crack my knuckles.

"No," Simon cut me off. "You or her can't keep it,"

"Well that's too bad, it's been confirmed that I need to own up to my actions and deal with the consequences, so it's happening," I nod.

"You won't go against my orders," he shakes his head.

"But Harry and Lou get to-"

"No, they don't, they should even been kissing here with their beards coming into action, I won't allow you to have a baby," he shakes his head.

"That wasn't what I was going to ask you,"

"Whatever it is no," he says coldly.

"I want her to come on the tour with us," I say and I've never seen rage fill his disgusting eyes so quickly.

"You must be fucking joking," he laughs. "There is no way in hell I would let a poor girl who you knocked up join us in a tour," he shakes his head firmly.

"You don't even know her,"

"I don't need to know her,"

"But you're pushing me away from my child's life," I shake my head.

"If she even thinks about stepping into the van, it won't have a life," he mutters, making the others gasp a little.

My face falls and I swear everything slowed down.

"If she can't come on the tour...then count me out. I would rather spend my life forgetting about fame then have you threaten not only Abby's health, but my child's life, you have no right to-"

"Alright cut your shit, we don't need anything more," he rolls his eyes, my eyes still stinging. "I guess we both want different things and it's up to you to decide. It's her or us," he smiles, "fame and reputation...or a sad guy looking after a screaming baby," he holds his hands out in weights an then shrugs and I actually let a tear fall down my cheek.

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