I Really Hate It When She's Right

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Jay's POV

The next few minutes felt like hours we had to sit there helpless and watch them slowly edge closer to death. They both have pulses and are breathing but they are barely hanging on, both of them unconscious. When the ambulances finally arrive a small weight lifts from our shoulders. I call Lilah and explain all of it to her on the drive to med, she heads to med in her own car and we catch her up with all the new information when she arrives. "Apparently Kim woke up in the ambulance and is breathing fine on her own, they're just taking her up to get a few scans to confirm no interior damage or bleeding." Adam says with half a grin. "Voight?" Lilah asks. "Surgery, they said they would come and find us when they have an update." Atwater says. In that moment my brother walks out and says, "Kim's awake and cleared, we'll keep her for a few hours to monitor her, but she should be discharged tonight or at the most in the morning. You can go in and see her" Will says. Everyone gets up and heads towards Kim's room, but I stay behind to talk to Will and so does Lilah. Will gives us both a hug before I ask. "Anything on Voight?" "Nothing, sorry bro, I'll ask Nat and Crockett they're his doc's." Will says and I walk through to Kim's room. We walk in and she looks okay besides a few bruises and cuts.

Kim's POV

I stare out into space trying to comprehend what Will just told me, I try to act as normal as possible, trying to stop myself from spinning out. The two words "You're pregnant." Replaying through my mind.

Delilah's POV

I pull my phone out and notice the time. I look over at Jay and we walk outside. "Are you sure you want to come; Brin will understand if you don't." I say. "Are you sure." Jay says. "Yes, I promise." I say grabbing his hand. "Are you going straight home or coming here?" Jay asks. "It's up to Brin, but if we do come it won't be for long." I say and I kiss him. "Okay be safe, and I love you, I'll try to be home for Brin's bedtime, but it depends what's going on here." Jay says. "I love you too and don't stress. Call me if you need me." I say before heading to the carpark. I arrive at Brin's school ten minutes later and she walks out of her class with a kind of sad look on her face. "I though Daddy was coming?" Brin asks. "I know baby, he really wanted too but something happened at work, and he had to stay with the others." I say wiping away the one tears running down her face. "Can we go see him." Brin asks. "Yeah, but baby our friends got hurt so he's at the hospital, he's okay though." I say and she nods. "That's okay, I don't care where he is I just want to see him." Brin says smiling. "Okay then, let's go see daddy." I say grabbing her hand and walking with her to the car.

Jay's POV

I'm sat in the waiting room waiting for Lilah to either call or arrive at med when the door opens, and I see Brin who immediately runs towards me. "Daddy." She says and I pick her up and give her a big hug. "Hey munchkin, how was school?" I ask. "Good, I made this for you and one for mommy, but I already gave her hers." She says passing me a drawing. "This is beautiful." I say giving her a kiss on her forehead. "And I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up today, work was a bit mad and some people I love got hurt." I say. "It's okay." Brin says snuggling into my chest like her mom always does. Lilah finishes her conversation with Hailey before coming and sitting next to me giving me a kiss on the lips before smiling at Brin laying on my chest. "How come you are all out here?" Lilah asks me. "Kim wanted a moment with Adam." I say. "She's probably just found out she's pregnant." Lilah says. "How did you come to that conclusion." I ask. "Well, that's how I told you right." Lilah says and I nod. "Might not be right but it's my explanation." Lilah says and I laugh slightly. "You won't be laughing when I'm right." Lilah says and I kiss her. "I wasn't saying your wrong, I'm just not convinced your right." I say and Lilah jokingly rolls her eyes before kissing me. "I wonder who she got that off." Lilah says looking over at Brin and Jay once again. "Just like her mother." I say and Lilah laughs before resting her head on my shoulder. "She stole my spot." Lilah says in a pretend bitter voice and I kiss her pulling her in close. "No one could replace you." I say

Adam's POV

I sit in shock of what Kim just told me. We've been getting serious lately and now she's pregnant. I decided I'm just going to do what I was waiting till tomorrow night to do. I pull the ring box out of my pocket and grab her hand. "Kim, I've always loved you and always will, since the day I met you, I knew you were the only one for me, and I've been wanting to do this for a long time, so Kim Burgess, will you marry me?" I say and she looks deep into my eyes. "Yes." Kim says before kissing me passionately and I slip the ring onto her finger.

Jay's POV

Natalie and Crockett walk out, and we all stand up hopeful for good news. "Hank's just woken up, he's stable but we will definitely have to monitor him for the next few days. You can go in and see him." Natalie says and we all let out a sigh of relief. We all head to his room Lilah staying behind with Brin in the waiting room. We walk into Hank's room, and he looks beaten up but as usual is playing the tough card. Adam wheels Kim into the room and we immediately see the rock on her finger. "You guys didn't seriously just do that." I say shocked. "Not only that but." Kim says pulling an ultrasound image from behind her back. I really hate it when Lilah's right I think to myself. "Oh my, I guess a double congratulations is in order." Voight says and we all nod in agreement.

AN: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it probably was a chapter that had the most temptations for me but I found this was the best way to go about it x :)

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