Chapter 3: A Job at Beacon

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Inside the bullhead at where heading to Beacon, both Zero and Glynda sit in awkward silent for a bit until Zero decided to break the silent.

Zero: So Mrs...

Glynda: Goodwitch.

Zero: Goodwitch, why do you use a riding crop as a weapon?

Glynda: What wrong with?

Zero: Uhh. Why don't you using something else like...

Glynda: Why is this your concern?

Zero: I don't know, maybe the fact of an old lady walking around with a riding crop, kinda make me feel uncomfortable.

Glynda: Listen here young man...

She then lecture him the rest of the way to Beacon.

Inside Ozpin office, Zero currently sitting at the table facing him was Ozpin and next to him is Glynda.

Ozpin: So Mr Zero, I heard about what you did in the Fire Wall event and I have to say I am impressed.

Zero: Uhh. Thank.

Ozpin: Not many can make system that automatically over write code like that.

Zero: Well you see coding and programing are things that I am really good at.

Ozpin: I can tell, but I still have some more questions I want to ask.

Zero: Sure, although I came here to get my prize Lien but sure we can have a chat for a bit.

Ozpin: Can you tell me your real name?

Zero: I am Zero.

Ozpin: That you name. No last name or anything?

Zero: Well the thing is...

This make both Glynda and Ozpin interest in what he is about to say.

Zero: I have amnesia.

Ozpin: Really?

Zero: Yeah, I don't remember anything about my old life, all that I know is...


It a stormy night, the rain fall heavily inside an ally way as I wake up. My vision was blurry, my head hurt, my body feel pain.

Zero: Where am I?

As I stand up my vision slowly got back as I walk around only to find out that the street where empty, it was night time already so that make sense as I continue to walk I then look at a store window seeing my reflection.

Zero: Huh? What the?

I didn't recognize my own reflection

Zero: This is me... I I don't know who I am...

I didn't remember my name or who am I. As I look through my pocket I found a scroll with it screen cracked. As I open it I some how knew the password. But when I open it I don't find contact number of anyone. I then look in picture but only thing I find was some pictures and videos but nothing of those show people it only show coding, information about some kind of work and a project of some kind.

Zero: Project...

Flashback end

Zero: After that I get some job so I can survive, then I came up with the name Zero. It's a way for me to begin a new start from zero. After some time moving from different kingdom working different jobs and now we are here.

Ozpin: Oh, I am sorry to hear that.

Glynda: For someone who started his life from zero you sure are positive about life.

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