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The Continent of Ecekasuri || Es-kuh-sur-ee

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The Continent of Ecekasuri || Es-kuh-sur-ee

A land blessed by gods and spirits, brimming with ancient Magick. The people are well known for their hostility and have a long history of war. The continent is said to have only known one era of peace when the First King, Eceka of Suri, ruled. The thousand years before and thousand years after have all been bloodshed. The people are also extremely religious and believe in a prophecy predicting the return of Eceka of Suri to usher in a new age of peace and balance.

Itoroh || Ih-tor-oh

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Itoroh || Ih-tor-oh

The Great Northern Empire, Itoroh is well known for its frigid climate and numerous mountain ranges. Two centuries ago, Itoroh's population experienced a sharp rise after the region was introduced to rice farming. There was a period of rapid expanse - which some people believe still continues in the modern era with the southern Itoroh clans gaining portions of Tilica up until as recently as five years ago. 

Tilica || Til-eh-kuh

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Tilica || Til-eh-kuh

The Great Southern Empire, renown for its vast deserts and immense riches, Tilica is the only kingdom left that can rival Itoroh. The two nations are nearly constantly at war with one another, however, Tilica has been on the losing end of that war for the past few decades. Many of Tilica's northern lands have been severely demolished, leaving the ground barren and the people impoverished.

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