Chapter 51 - Ettie and Leah

Start from the beginning

"When the evening shadows and the stars appear

And there is no one there to dry your tears

I could hold you for a million years

To make you feel my love."

"I forgot that you were an amazing singer," Leah said, after I'd sung the first two verses.

"I'm never doing that again," I replied, laughing.

Soon, small droplets of rain started pouring from the sky. As I looked up, I felt the water splash on my face.

"Come on Ett! It's raining," Leah said, walking off the street. But before she could leave, I grabbed her hand, and placed my lips on hers. The rain was coming down harder than before, but we both didn't care. We were together, kissing in the rain, warm in each other's embrace.

"You really are an old soul," Leah said, cupping my wet face.

"It's just about living in the moment," I replied, smiling. She kissed me again, and I knew, right there and then, that this girl was all I needed.

We soon left and started walking again to Waitrose, trying to get out of the rain. We did the groceries, and caught an uber back to Leah's apartment. She cooked some pasta and sauce, as she doesn't like anything too extravagant.

"What if I wanted to take us to go get a weird cuisine?" I said to her, as we ate the pasta, "Like Turkish food, or Thai?"

"I'll stick to the plain foods," she said, digging into her pasta.

"For someone so worldly, you are quite the picky eater."

"Well, you love me for it," she answered.

"Hm, maybe in spite of it," I corrected her. She gave me a slight nudge, but we continued eating. Everything with Leah seems to flow. It works. It is everything I wanted... but more.

I woke up early the next morning as I had to swing by my apartment to pick up my training gear, before I drove to training. I kissed Leah's forehead before I left, not wanting to wake her at 7am. She looked so peaceful as she slept, her blonde hair messy between her and the pillow.

I arrived back at my apartment, grabbed my training gear, and by that time, it was 7:30am, and I needed to arrive to training by 8am.

As I arrived, I went into the common room. I was one of the first to get there, and the only others were Magda, P and Guro.

"Hey guys," I said to them, sitting on the couch, trying to warm up.

"Ettie! Ettie!" Guro said, coming and sitting beside me, "I've missed you!" She hugged me, making me laugh slightly. "I felt so left out! All the girls went to that party and I was stuck in Norway!"

"You weren't stuck in Norway, Guro, you were spending time with your family!" Magda said, trying to diffuse Guro's disappointment

"Yes, well, it looked like a party I didn't want to miss!"

After a little while, more of the girls started walking through. Sam came, alongside Erin and Millie. Sam sat beside me, looking at me suspiciously.

"Where'd you go after the party? And why have you been so inactive the past week?" she asked, interrogating me.

"Woah, what are you, the police?" I joked.

"It was like you fell off the face of the earth," Sam then added.

"I was... preoccupied." She laughed at this, and then leant closer.

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