Chapter 17 - Cara

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Edan turned to Cara, the molten in his eyes swimming faster. She was as shocked as him, but stayed in character.

"How dare you!" she exclaimed at him, spinning on a heel and walking away with her head raised in the air. And closer to the centre of the courtyard. Edan wasn't dumb enough to follow, since everyone was shooting them side glances. Attempting to take the ring from her now would result in them both being arrested and the ring being returned to the King.

Cara didn't let herself smile at the trap she'd sprung for him. When she turned around, fake tears pooling in her eyes, Edan was glowering at her.

"I loved him!" she shouted, letting a tear slide from her eye. She had no idea where any of this was coming from. The audience, however, gasped simultaneously, and the conductor of the music stopped the orchestra playing. The courtyard fell silent and everyone leaned forward, clearly invested.

Cara shook her head, turning away from Edan again and glanced around as unnoticeably as possible, pretending to be a heartbroken young girl searching for a friendly face. While there weren't any friendly faces, there were certainly many interested and shocked ones. Even all the guards were watching, intrigued.

"He's a good man. You should have given him your blessing, brother." She spat out the word 'brother', scowling at Edan, and let invisible sobs shake her body. The crowd was practically holding its breath and every set of eyes was on her.

Cara didn't dare glance at the palace wall, where she prayed that Delcyn and Thaleara were making their way down. Edan's eyes glittered in the lamp light, and Cara could have sworn she saw flame there. She paled and the pure anger and ferocity. He started forward, stalking toward her, and Cara blanched. It wasn't an act. Edan seemed taller, stronger, and unpredictable. There was nothing human in his face.


"Leave her alone, Cousin." Thaleara said from behind Cara, placing one reassuring arm on her shoulder. Cara almost shuddered with relief. Thaleara was here, which meant Declyn was. Cara risked a short glance sideways to Thaleara, who now donned a pair of breeches and an emerald green tunic with white swirls of embroidery. The clothes she'd stashed behind the pillar not an hour ago.

But Thaleara wasn't looking at Cara. She instead held her gaze towards Edan, who was glaring back at her. He looked furious, but still chuckled darkly when Thaleara lifted her chin slightly.

"You won't win this, believe me," he told her, amusement lacing his voice.

Thaleara didn't sound as though she was breathing, but responded quietly, "I knew it. The ring, the wind in the bar, the advisor. You're-"

"Hey, Cara."

Declyn was stumbling forward, still trying to put on his coat awkwardly as he moved and approached them. He hadn't seemed to notice the tension in the air. Not for the first time in Cara's twenty years existence did she wish she was born without a twin.

Thaleara and Edan were still locked in their staring match, the air between them so tense you could cut it with a knife. Declyn slowed his approach slightly, as he took in the scene, and he whispered to Cara hesitantly, "What's happening?"

Cara didn't deign to respond. She was glad her brother was alive and safe, but sometimes she wished Knowledge had given him a bit more, well, knowledge.

"Give up, Thaleara," Edan purred. His eyes were glittering more than ever.

Thaleara clenched her jaw. "No."

There was a loud thud behind Cara but she didn't bother turning, not daring to take her eyes off Thaleara and Edan.

"Hey, wait!" the guard closest to them shouted.

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