Then I thought for a second.

"Wasnt there someone named mark there a few days ago? Some unrecognizable dude?"

"Yeh, I remember!"

Our plan was visible now.

"We need to talk with him."


"I'm going to team up with him and you guys," I said and then deadpanned, "to kill Yeji ourselves."

"That's a terrible plan," tae said, shaking his head.

I roll my eyes. Someone has to be the only stubborn one in the room, and it's always tae.

"How," I asked. "Taehyung, she murdered two
Of our best friends. and your parents."

"Parent," he interjected, "we don't know where my dad is. Not the point, but still."

"Tae," I put my hands on his chest, "I'm not going to step back and watch her keep destroying you."

His eyes searched mine desperately, and I nearly shed a tear.

"I missed you," I told him, "I won't ever lose you again."

"Yeji is impossible, we know this, y/n she will kill you before she ever kills me"

"That's a risk I'm willing to take to protect you"

"Well I'm not, god damn it!"

Hearing him shout at me made me drop a tear. "Okay," I quieted down, "okay"

"Let's move," he suggested.


"Out of the state. Out of the country."

"But what about everyone else," I asked.

"The twins will come with us-" Taehyung slipped up and said. I guess he's forgotten that they were dead because of Yeji.

"Well, hoseok Jimin and Yoongi will come with us."

"So that's it? We just move? The end?"

"Y/n," he paused, teary-eyed. He grabbed both of my hands and caressed them gently. "Don't you want to start over?" He asked me in a gentle voice.

I nodded.

He brushed a stray strand of hair out of my face with his hand and then held mine again.

"I destroyed everything she could possibly find me with," he added on. He's right. There is no way anyone would be able to ever find us ever again.

But boy, was that a long ride.

Five days later:

There was no sign of Yeji or anyone coming back, and so we packed our things and headed to the south quickly after renting an airbnb in Daytona.

"We're okay. We'll be okay."

Is all I heard while taehyung drove the five of us down to Florida.

"We've been through worse," he reminded me, "we will get through this as a family. Us five."

A family, I thought, I miss my two children. I miss them so, so much.

Tae gave me a look that said Don't worry about that.

"y/nie," he chimed and smiled, "When we get to the beach, I want you wearing as minimal clothing as possible."

I spit my water out that was in my mouth and started laughing hysterically. But he was dead serious.

"Where'd that even come from?"

"Let's have another baby"

So soon?

I don't know..

"Only if you want to, of course."

Well when he puts it like that..

"I just.. I miss the twins so much.. you know.."

"Y/n. It's a fresh start. So please.. let's not bring that up. I.." with his free hand that wasn't on the wheel, he gripped my left thigh. "..I know that they're in a better place than they could've been in with us; where they'd be in danger.

There's nothing we can do to get them back.

But there's something we can do to start anew."

"I..." I paused. "Yes. I- I want to have another baby with you."

And I genuinely did want to. He's right, Ga eun and haneul are gone. And I may not ever understand why he did what he did. But whatever it was, it wasn't his choice.

Yeji is a monster and so are her little henchmen.

"I won't let her get to our family anymore," tae said out loud after reading my mind.

His reassurance was such a turn on.

"Oh really?" He whispered beside me. The others were sound asleep in the back.

Tae Parked in a random Pit stop, and he grabbed my hand. "It's still the afternoon and these guys are slumped," he paused, "Let's have some fun before they get their asses up."


The Pink Room (KTH)  VOL. 2 *FINISHED*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum