A second male voice speaks and Melinda starts to wonder how Skye is holding up.

“Oh, that, uh, that’s... what... whatever. Skye.”

“Qasim Zaghul.”

The first male speaks once more and Melinda quickly looks through the files on the holo table, finally finding what she was looking for.

“He built half of Dubai, including the Arabian blade.”

Melinda tells Skye over the come system, listening how Skye repeats what she just told the young hacker.

“Wife’s name’s Nadrah. Twin sons.”

She then adds as Fitz walks into the room, with a bucket of popcorn, making Melinda rolls her eyes.

“How’s she doing?”

“She’s good.”

Melinda and Simmons answer at the same time.

“The pleasure is mine. I could get used to this, people. It’s like Siri, if it worked.”

They hear Skye speak directly to them once more. So far, everything is going much better than Melinda would have expected.

“Well, well, well. Look who we have here?”

A female voice can be heard this time around, and Melinda gets ready to find out who Skye is speaking to this time around.

“Pepper Pots!”

Skye’s voice took an a much higher pitch than expected and Melinda can hear fear in her voice at this. Looking up, Melinda can see the surprise looks Simmons and Fitz goes one another.

“Did she just say...”

“Pepper Pots?”

They finish each others sentence and Melinda nods her head.

“What is a hacker doing here?”

They hear Pepper asks and Melinda gets a feeling this can either end very good or very badly.

“I was invited. Is it just you or is Mr Stark here too?”

Skye asks the question Melinda was wondering herself in this moment.

“He’s here somewhere.”

They hear Pepper ask and Melinda realises this is very bad for them.

“Skye, stall them as much as possible. I’m going to contact Coulson to see what he wants to do.”

Melinda orders the young woman before she switch the channel.

“Sir, we have a big problem.”

“Told you we couldn’t trust her.”

Ward quickly jumps in before Phil has a chance to ask what is wrong and Melinda rolls her eyes. Of course he would think Skye was betraying them so fast.

“Skye just run into Pepper Pots and she has confirmed that Tony Stark is around to.”

Melinda explain, deciding to ignore Ward for now. They could deal with him later on.

“Stark is there?”

Phil asks, surprise in his voice.

“Yes, what is our move sir?”

“This could work better for us, ask Skye to true and convince Stark to help her instead. Make sure you mention that she isn’t allowed to mention my name however.”

Phil tells her, and this order makes Melinda feels slightly better. Having Phil out of danger is the best for everyone.

“Right away, sir.”

Melinda informs him and switch the channel once more.

“Oh, look. If it isn’t my favourite hacker, or not. What are you doing in a place like this?”

She hears Stark saying as she switch and Melinda starts to wonder how Skye have meet this two people.

“Skye, listen carefully. You are allowed to tell them why you are there, and try to get Stark to help you. This way we won’t risk anything that can get the rest of the team in danger. You are however not allowed to tell them that Coulson is alive.”

Melinda tells Skye, her eyes slightly narrowed as she gives out the order. She can hear how Skye takes in a deep breath before starting to explain what is going on. Once she finished, there is a long silence and Melinda starts to wonder if Stark will even believe her.

“I’m in. I knew there was something going on here tonight, I just couldn’t figure out what it was. Now, what was the plan.”

They finally hear Stark ask and Melinda can hear how Simmons and Fitz let’s out sighs of relief. Switching to Phil and Ward once more, she is ready to tell them the good news, only to hear them arguing.

“You two can return back, Stark has agreed to help.”

Melinda interrupts the argument, not sure she wants to know what it’s about but has a feeling she will learn later on.

“Good, we are on our way.”

“I should say behind, someone needs to be in there to make sure Skye doesn’t do anything stupid.”

Ward says and Melinda rolls her eyes, and she is quite sure Phil is doing the same.

“She’s with Tony Stark right now, which means, Happy is around somewhere too. She will be fine for now and we can pick her up in a better location once she, Stark and Hall is out of danger.”

Phil says, making it  clear that the argument is over. Shaking her head, Melinda gets the feeling that she will have to be the one picking up Skye. Switching back to keep track on the hacker, she can hear how she is in a conversation with Stark, Pepper and Quinn.

She really need to figure out why she is on the plane and what she is supposed to do, because if this is how things are going to go, she won’t just be the pilot. Maybe it was time to return back to field work, if not to make sure the kid and Phil is safe.

This thought makes Melinda freeze up, when did Skye’s safety become first priority to her?

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