"I know we agreed I should put myself first," I started to say, talking more to Keira now, "but I feel so bad."


"No, Kie, I feel awful. Hayley's so mad at me, and I know she is. I just don't want her to hate me."

"She doesn't hate you," Lucy cut in, "she used to talk about you all the time. She used to ask Keira and me whether you were feeling better or how you like Chelsea. Even if she is hurt, she could never hate you. She loves you, Ett."

"Anyway, you'll see her soon," Keira said, drinking casually out of her coffee cup.

"Uh, no I won't?" I said back to Keira.

"Yeah, she's coming back to England before New Year's. I told her she should come to Millie's party."

"She's going to Millie's party?" I asked.

"Yeah, most of the City girls are. It'll be the party of the year, no one wants to miss it." I laughed at this, and then realised, Leah and Hayley will be there at the same time. This all got far too complicated.

"Why is this all so confusing?" I screamed out to the water. Lucy and Keira both laughed at the drama I was creating.

"How'd you two get so lucky?" I asked them jealously.

"I'm not sure, but," Lucy started to reply, "it's always been Keira. Never even had to think about it." Keira started blushing slightly.

"You guys just have a one in a lifetime sort of thing," I said.

"Yeah, I guess we do." Lucy put her arm around Keira and kissed the top of her head, and I could only smile at them. I am glad they are happy. It's all I have ever wanted for my twin.

"Kie," I started to say, as we walked along the water, "I was thinking about this on the drive up, but when I left City, what did the girls think? I know it was so long ago but I can't help but wonder." Keira pondered for a little, until responding.

"Well, I think they were all quite confused. They all thought that we would both be one club sort of players. The managers, players, staff, everyone basically thought we would stay at City and more importantly, that we would stay together."

"I thought that too, for a while," I added.

"Yeah, same, so when you decided to leave and for no real, obvious reason, I think everyone was slightly shocked. Although, our old manager wasn't shocked. He wasn't too fazed by it but no one liked him anyways so..." I couldn't help but feel goosebumps ride up my arms when Keira mentioned the old manager from City. I'm only glad I got out of there when I did.

It was amazing spending Christmas with the family. I woke up in my childhood bed and Lucy and Keira came around for our traditional indian dinner. I'm not sure where it started, but Mum, Dad, Keira and I have always had Indian food on Christmas day. Lucy thought it was very weird when we first told her, but now she loves it. It's a tradition the Walsh family cannot budge.

After Lucy and Keira had left to go to Lucy's family, I went upstairs to my bedroom, to get into some comfortable clothes and to give myself a social break. I love my family, but I am very introverted. I need my own time to regroup, and regenerate, and that comes by being in the comfort of only myself.

I was scrolling my phone when I saw an instagram story from Leah. She was having a blast with her brother and family. They were playing games and having quite a bit to drink. I love to see her like this - happy and carefree. The following instagram story was of Hayley. She was smiling with her two brothers, being so happy that she got to spend Christmas with them. I was happy for her, she deserved to be with the people she loved most in the world.

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