Graceful Wishes

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(It's not really meaningful to the story. This is the last chapter, it's like...what happened after. If you want to stop at the last chapter that's fine bc this won't effect the plot. Mainly bc the plot already ended. But this is just a bonus chapter. Goodbye. I hope you liked the story.)

6 years later



"What are you doing?" Tubbo looked at Ranboo who stood beside him.

"I'm waiting."

"For wh-" Ranboo looked at his partners eyes. They were cold and narrowed. Lifeless almost, but still expecting.


"Come on Tubbo, it's getting cold. We should go inside." Ranboo placed his hand on Tubbo's back and led them back to his house.


Somewhere else, somewhere cold. Niki looked down at the grave with a bouquet in her hand. She knelt down and placed them neatly at the foot of their stone.

"Good night Puffy." She titled her head down and tried to calm her breaths.

"I'll visit next week."

Just like Niki, Phil was at the same brook. Sitting in the same place as before. He would go there to visit Tommy, even though Tommy had no gravestone. Phil would often call this his true resting place. It was a gorgeous sight, birds chirping, leaves that hung over the little pond and life all around. He hummed softly and held his hands in his lap.

"Hey old man." Wilbur and Techno emerged from the trees. Phil looked at them and grinned. Wilbur had his guitar swung around his shoulder and Techno had a blade. Ever since the death, he won't go anywhere without a weapon. Tommy's death was hard for Techno, he was confused for a long time. He saw Dream as a friend and Tommy as...a brother. He was lost for a while. Phil and Wilbur brought him back.

"You came to play a little song?"

"Yeah, figure you could do with some's so quiet anyway."

They took a seat near him, Wilbur swung his legs over the edge of the rock and Techno leaned against a tree. He fiddled with the cords slightly until he softly strummed the strings.

"The evil it spread like a fever ahead..
It was night when you died, my firefly
What could I have said to raise you from the dead?"

"Dream. What are we doing here?"

"Shut up Sapnap." Dream listened to Wilbur's singing from afar.

"This is so dumb." George commented as he perched himself up on a rock.

"Just listen..."

"Well you do enough talk
My little hawk, why do you cry?"

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