A Teenagers Tune

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"Okay, Tommy. Let's try again." The boy frowned.

"Apple!" He shouted against Wilbur's words, the teenager bit his tongue.

"No apples."

"Apple!" Wilbur slammed the book shut and threw it on the table.

"I'll get you some fucking apples!" Tommy shook violently on the sofa, Wilbur looked at the tears that formed in his eyes.

"Shit. I'm sorry Tommy-"

"No sorry!" Tommy started to cry loudly, he heard Phil's door crack open.

"Wilbur! What did you do?!" A demonic voice rang Wilbur's ears from behind. He turned around pale and frightened. An 10ft tall Phil, glared at him with a fire in his eyes. He had large black wings that stretched across the ceiling. They caught on fire and he didn't seem to mind. Especially when he stretched his large hand down to pick up Wilbur. His hands cracked open with lava coasting through its liminal space. His skin looked like drought soil...for some reason.

"Yeah! Get him Phil!" Techno cheered from his doorway. Wilbur gasped and looked around the room, all three of them had ganed up on him. Phil bellowed as he stretched even more, taller enough to break the roof. And that's just what he did, the building collapsed but Tommy and Techno stood outside in a record time. Wilbur didn't see them leave, how did they get out? He wouldn't worry now. He had bigger problems. Phil flapped his wings and flew upwards, until Wilbur couldn't see the ground anymore.

"Wait- wait! Phil- wait!" The large demon dropped him from a deadly height-

"Will! Hey, will! Get up!" Wilbur woke up just as Phil raided the book from the nightstand. Wilbur's face slammmed into the cover and he yelped as he squeezed the bridge of his nose.

"Fuck! Phil- what the fuck?!"

"Ah! Sorry mate. It was kinda your fault though..."

"What?!" Wilbur glared at his father who chuckled knowing it was a stupid comment to make in front of him. Wilbur plopped back down and let the nostril drain.

"Will, sit up. It's not good to do that."

"...what do you need Phil?" He ignored his fathers advice and immediately cut to the chase.

"You need to help Tommy today, remember?"

"No. I don't think I remember anything after you fucking hit me with a book!"

"Your being dramatic! C'mon, sit up now." He help the boy properly sit upwards. Wilbur adjusted the baggy shirt to not be tucked underneath his arms first.

"Now pinch the bridge of your nose and slightly tip your head back."

"Ugh..." Wilbur opened his hand, Phil gave him the book and patted his back.

"Thanks." Phil smiled at him and left the room, he closed it but just enough for there to be a space between the frame and the door.

"Okay Tommy, Wilbur will be with you in a second. Why don't you practice in the meantime? Okay?" Tommy didn't know what was happening but he nodded and opened a advanced book to a random page.

"Oh-ay!" Tommy replied loudly, Phil grimaced at the mistake, but quickly went to grab the tray he had prepared. Wilbur stumbled out of his room, with a tissue in his hand that still covered most of his face.

"Alright, Wilbur come here." Phil called Wilbur from the kitchen. Will leaned over his fathers shoulder and reached for the apples.

"These are for Tommy." Phil smacked Wilbur's hand.

"What?! That's bullshit! Why-"

"Shh." Phil peeked his head around the corner.  Tommy was twitching now, he kept looking up from the book and then back down. Phil sighed and went back to the cutting board.

"Children with PTSD, usually have their triggers. Let's try to not upset him. Okay?" Phil grinned at his son with a kind tone. Wilbur glanced down to see Phil's hand hastily chopping the apples. Wilbur nodded.

"Good. Now, the rules are if he says a word right he gets an apple slice. If he says three right in a row. He gets three apples dipped in peanut butter."

"Alright." Wilbur stretched his back and brought the tray out to Tommy.

"Hey...sorry for shouting." Tommy stopped his shaking once he noticed the tray.

"Ap! aphle!"

"Apple...right, yea um- give me that book then." Tommy passed it to him and Wilbur set it on the coffee stand and opened the one Phil gave him instead.

"Oh my fuck-" He rolled his eyes and threw his head back. Phil laughed as he heard Wilbur sighed in annoyance from the kitchen.

"Alright. Let's get this shit over with."

"Shut!" Phil called from the kitchen, Wilbur chuckled and turned the book to Tommy.

"Okay. Tommy, what's this?" He whispered, the boy looked at the letter.

"A is for Ass." Wilbur hummed softly, Tommy nodded and hesitated to follow his lead.

"C'mon Tommy. A is for ass."

"A iz for assth."




"Ass." Tommy smiled and Wilbur told him he got it right.

"Go on, get a slice." Tommy grabbed one and ate his quickly.

"Okay next letter, B."

"B is for bitch.." A new tune and slightly deeper one crawled out of Wilbur's throat.

"B is for bitch."

"B is for bi-"



"Bi-tch." Wilbur emphasized the ending and Tommy laughed.

"Bitch." Wilbur smiled and handed him the bowl again.


"C is for cu-" A paper back book was thwacked against Wilbur's skull. He grimaced and looked up at Phil.

"Well. Will. Why don't you tell me your little tunes? Actually! Sing them for me..." Wilbur grinned and opened his mouth. The book collided with the back of his head, less forceful this time.

"That was not a suggestion." 


"Get up, I'll have to teach him I guess." Wilbur smirked and got up from the chair, thinking he had gotten out of his punishment.

"Where do you think you going?"

"Back to bed." He looked back at Phil who shook his head.

"Wilbur, next door the lady says she is having a raccoon problem. I already said you would be over to help her." Wilbur snarled under his breath and entered his room to get better dressed for the cooler air.

"This is such bullshit." He mumbled to himself.

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