Over the Hills

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TW: Mentions of the murders committed last chapter, fire, a dagger, and allusions to what Doc did to the children.

"Brother! Brother Joker!" Y/N heard Doll's cry for their big brother echoing through the night as Y/N and her friends made their way closer to the cursed doors they had originally crossed through when they entered the manor. Smoke and flames billowed around them as Sebastian and Y/N walked towards the fresh air of the night. "Br-" Doll began before they must've seen the silhouettes of the only four survivors of the manor. They soon came into Y/N's vision, still blurred from the smoke, but it was clearly poor Doll who stood before them. Slowly the smoke parted to reveal to Doll that it wasn't their brother Joker leaving the manor, but rather Sebastian, Ciel, Y/N and a little girl. "Black... Smile... Shatter? Who..." Doll whispered, eyes wide in fear and shock. "Why're you two here? What's happened? Where's brother..."

"He has passed away," Sebastian smirked. Doll looked terrified and turned to Y/N for confirmation. All Y/N could do was squeeze her eyes shut, tears rolling down her cheeks as she swallowed a cry. Her hands tightened their grip around the little girl, that's when Doll noticed the blood.

"What're ya sayin' Black?" Doll asked as they ran over to him, grabbing onto both Sebastian and Ciel. "Hey! Smile! C'om! Talk to me!"

"Don't you dare-" Ceil screamed as he slapped Doll away from him. "Touch me in such a familiar manner!"

"Under the orders of her majesty, the Queen, we were in pursuit of the culprits behind the serial child kidnappers," Explained Sebastian.

"So ya three were really from the Yard? Ya came to capture us," Doll sobbed.

"No, you are wrong. We came to kill you," Sebastian corrected them with a cruel grin. "As the Houses of Phantomhive and L/N, the Watchdog and the Lion of the Queen."

"The Watchdog... The Lion... Of the Queen," whispered Doll. "Phantomhive..." Doll repeated, the letter and paperwork Kelvin had sent them flashing through their mind. "No way... Smile, yer... Yer a Phantomhive?"

"I'm sorry," Y/N muttered, holding the little girl tight in her arms, "But what you were doing is wrong..."

"Then yer sayin' it was all a lie? Everything! Everything!" They repeated, heart breaking even further.

"Yes, exactly." Ciel spoke at last. His words were sharp and harsh. "I am Ciel Phantomhive. Y/N L/N is my associate assigned to protect me by her Majesty the Queen. We have but one duty... To destroy all that causes her Majesty grief. That is why they were killed. Kelvin. And Joker."

"I was the one who killed them," Y/N interrupted them. Her voice sounded strong, but she was trembling underneath her brave facade. "I shot Joker and Doc, and I stabbed the Baron more times than I can count. It's all my fault they're dead." Y/N knew in her heart that Doll would not survive, and it made her more sad than she could've ever imagined, but she wouldn't let Doll die hating Ciel more than her. Doll crumbled to the ground, howling in pain. Their screams shot through the night like gunshots. Their satchel had fallen to the ground with them, a Funtom lollipop and the handle of a blade sliding out. The irony made another tear roll down Y/N's cheek.

"Never... Forgive you..." Doll choked out. "You won't... Get away with this! I'll never, ever... I'll never, ever forgive you!" Doll's head shot up, their eye cutting right into Y/N's soul. "I will never forgive you!" They wailed as they snatched the blade out from their bag. "Shaterrrr!" Doll clutched the blade as they stumbled up, tears pouring from both their good eye and their scarred one, red hair whipping around their face. All Y/N could do was turn her body to shield her little girl. Hot flashes had  begun to wash over her over and over again, and she knew she couldn't strike Doll. Y/N expected to feel the stabbing pain of Doll's blade as it met her shoulder, but all she felt instead was a chill running down her spine as she heard Ciel whisper.

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