The tall man grunted in annoyance as it shook the blood from its hand. Then slowly, its gaze returned on the little ones. Mono gulped, still questioning whether that man was friendly or not. Mono stood up reluctantly and dusted himself off. Then daringly approached the towering man, "Uh- Hello... hello. Excuse me, hello! Thank you, for the-" Mono spared another uneasy glance at the stain on the wall, "F-For saving us. Really, there's no telling what could've happened if you weren't here. I-I-." The mood of the room and the aura that man was giving off were killing him, "I'm Mono... you must be the TV man... you've been helping me for a while now, right."

Under the hat, Mono glimpsed a small smile stretching across the man's old and withered face. Mono found himself smiling too, "Ah, yes!" Mono leapt with joy, "Listen, I- uh... We- Oh, how could I forget! This here is Six, she's-" Mono stopped dead once he saw the look of sheer horror on her face. She stared at the tall man with wide and frantic eyes, and soon Mono realized that the tall man's smile had already shifted into a frown.

"You mistake me for that old gobber." The man said angrily, his eyes now glowing brighter. Mono saw that the man was no longer glaring at him at all, but at the person kneeling beside him. Six was panting madly, her chest rising and falling erratically. One hand went to her right breast and clutched her coat while the other quivered by her side. "Hello, old friend. It's been a long time." The tall man said, slowly raising his hand.

Oh. Oh, this wasn't supposed to happen! HE IS NOT FRIENDLY! Mono jumped in front of Six, and spread his arms wide, "WAIT!"

"STAY OUT OF THIS!" The man bellowed, with a wave from his arm, the entire room bent inwards, then outwards, and Mono felt a violent gust of current slamming against his chest, knocking the wind out of him. If he hadn't used a bit of his power to deflect the blow, he would have been reduced to piece by now. The current had blown the concrete wall behind them and sent the little ones flying out of the hospital. Mono's vision clouded from the blow, but now all he could see was tiny particles flying about, and Six was floating nearby. But soon, to his horror, Mono realized that they were falling. Concrete and stone slabs surrounded them as they plummeted to the streets. Without thinking, he used his power once more to push Six closer towards him. He hugged her and held on tight. Before they could slam against the ground, Mono waved his hand around, creating a tiny field to dampen the impact. They crashed on the hard asphalt, rolling against each other before slamming against a mailbox at the end of the pavement. Six groaned in his arms. His arms moved to hold his side, then gasped from the terrible pain. He feared that something had broken.

The tall man stared down at them from the giant hole he created. Lightning flashed, and suddenly he disappeared. Before they knew it, there he was again, standing in the middle of the road, and the lights from the streetlamps flickered madly with his presence, and before long the buildings all about them started bending backwards and forwards, with some of them crumbling down and sinking to the earth far beyond.

Lightning flashed again, and then came the droplets of rain, staining their clothes and freezing Mono to the core. But as it would seem, the rain is just passing through the tall man. He approached them, his hand lifting once more, ready to strike again. Mono was back on his feet, struggling to keep himself from falling over again, he clutched his side again, and this time felt something wet beneath his coat, he pulled his hand out and found that his fingers were covered in blood. Mono hissed at the sight. He looked at Six, then back at the towering man, "Six... RUN!" He said, pulling back on her feet and rushing her through the entrance of an alleyway. Sparing one more glance at the man, Mono saw rocks floating around him as electric bolts danced in and out of his hand. Then came the second stroke of his arm, and with it, the pavement split in half and stones went flying all about as the invisible surge tore its way towards the little ones. Six yanked Mono by his arm and threw him behind the cover of the corner. The surge struck the building in front of them, tearing down the wall and the rooms beyond it. The ceiling quickly caved inwards, and dust fell all over the room. The surge didn't stop there, they could still hear the crashing and rubbing each time it struck a building far beyond. "OH, oh, I outdid myself this time," Mono mumbled, wincing from the pain.

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