I am you

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This marks the 40th chapter I had no idea that this story would take me so many chapters to write, at first I had planned at least 1.2k words per chapter, and I thought I could finish it with a total maximum of 30 chapters, never imagined myself getting lost in the writing process and creating new ideas as the story progressed, welp, I'm not mad, but I still don't think this is the most well-written story out there, there are a few things I should keep in mind when starting the next project, anyway, we'll reflect more about this story once it finally ends, for now, enjoy this chapter!

2.6k words


This feeling, the familiar uneasiness, Mono had been feeling all his life, when all limbs go limp, and the head becomes as heavy as a pile of rocks and all you're left with are all those thoughts of how things could have turned out differently, pondering the question: what if? What if he hadn't stopped at the shack for shelter? What if they venture deeper into the forest? Would there have been a way out over there? What if they hadn't walked into that school or snuck into that hospital? What if he was smart enough to rely on himself and not on some monster in a TV to survive? If he had done it differently, would it all have led to that same outcome? Him trapped in a room void of life and light, with Six nowhere to be seen? Oh, it doesn't matter. Failing seems to sting less, now that he was used to it. He would curse his own weakness all he want, but what difference would it make? He could recall the times he had failed before, but oddly enough, those memories felt like centuries-old, or perhaps they never really happened. Mono shook his head and gave himself a good smack across the face. Hey! at least I can feel my arms this time. Crap, that hurt. He thought, rubbing his right cheeks to soothe the pain. He was not even making sense, what century-old memories? All this time he had been calling it deja vu. At least Six made a little bit of sense out of it, she didn't think he was completely crazy. Mono only wished he could learn more at that moment. But once he recalled the events that happened before they got here, he slapped himself again, harder this time. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HER!? His thoughts screamed at him. Ow... He rubbed his right cheek.

He had to find her, but he didn't know where to begin, the room was black as pitch. Mono might as well have been blind. He spread his arms in front of him and began trudging across the room. Oddly enough, there was a faint smell of smoke, like something was burning far away. He stepped on something and let out a sharp hiss, "Damn it, I can't see a thing!" this was going to take forever, "SIX! HELLO?! ANYBODY?!" his arms felt something fleshy. Giving it a small squeeze, he heard a squish then a groan. An eye about ten times his size suddenly burst open, its pupils sodden and wide, and the white around the irises were all streaked in yellow and red. Mono gasped and fell backwards as the room suddenly filled with a deep red-purple glow. A low hum echoed across the walls and the thick smell of salt and flesh pierced through his nostrils. As now one after the other, the walls around him folded and slithered and before long they were brimming with eyes. This wasn't a dream, not this time. Mono knew that, much to his horror. This time, all of this is really happening, "Stay back! GET AWAY! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Mono cried, crawling away from the looming walls. The eyes closed in against him, and moments later the floor beneath him sunk and moved. Eyes, flesh, they're everywhere! EVERYWHERE! "HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!"

"I'm sure you must have many questions." A voice so calm it somehow pierced all sound in the room like an arrow.

Panting, Mono opened his eyes to find himself sitting on a wooden chair in a now empty room, with the only source of light being that of the headlight that only shone down on him, the rest was just black as pitch. After a few unnerving seconds of silence, Mono finally found his voice again, "Wh-who's there? Who said that."

Footsteps came from the darkness in front of him. Mono recoiled back into his chair as the sound got louder and louder. It was first that old face forlorn face that came into view beneath the light, then it was the Thin Man's entire slender body. His suit seemed finer now, the shoulders were no longer thread-bare, the sleeves had been cleaned from the dirt and brought out the blue in it, and his collar had been buttoned up all the way up to his neck, "It's good to finally meet, face-to-face."

Togetherness? - Little Nightmares - Mono x SixKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat