An Ally From Beyond

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Oh hello! kept you waiting, didn't I? Well, I tried to get creative but ended up writing myself off a cliff. So i took a two-day break and ended up with this. 3570 words, yikes!

I couldn't fit the cafeteria part in there, just felt like too much of a struggle to me. soz :/



Mono waited patiently. His back propped against the wall and his hands crossed against his chest, he kept as far away from the motionless doll as possible, fearing that at any moment it could pounce and reach for him. He should have just crushed its head the moment it was split in half.

As the elevator continued its ascent, Mono's thoughts drifted back to Six, he dared not imaging what could be happening to her now, lest desperation would paralyze him again. He couldn't bear the thought of her being hurt. So instead, he told himself that she was quite capable of taking care of herself. It made him feel better, for a while. 

The lightbulb overhead flickered as the lift came to an abrupt halt, Mono wobbled and braced himself against the wall. The doors slid open, and Mono was greeted by an all too familiar sight. another stack of TVs in the middle. It frustrated him, he has seen this three times before, probably even more, and he still doesn't have the slightest clue of what it's all about. Was it some sort of ritual? He thought. Last time a voice beckoned him closer to them, but now not a single buzz in the air could be heard...

He didn't want to linger here just so something could happen, and trap him for good. The room was pretty dark, and the only light was the one coming from the elevator behind him, he found that the room was missing its other half, on the other side of the TV stacks, the floor was caved in and sunken into the room below. Nothing but flipped-over couches and broken vending machines could be seen in the pit below. The door straight ahead was impossible to reach, too far for a jump.

Mono backed away slowly from the edge, this was getting him nowhere. He found himself back in the middle of the room staring blankly at the stack of TVs. Both doors flanking him were locked he had nowhere else to go.

"Right then..." He eyed one of the TVs carefully. He pressed the on/off buttons of each Television, but none of them came to life. What? Am I suppose to chant some sort of incantation? 

"Oi!" Mono knocked on the screen. "Anyone in there? You helped me get into the city, could you show me the way again? I'm kinda lost here." am I going crazy or something?

Nothing happened. Mono wasn't sure what to expect from that anyway. "DAMN IT! I'm wasting precious time!" He said as he turned to look around the room more. And as he turned in his heels, he was frozen stiff before he could take a step. A faint buzzing sound came from a single TV. He turned his head slowly, his paper bag rustling as he did. His eyes darted left and right anxiously. Oh God, what have I done?

The screen made a straight white line then flashed brightly, Mono gasped and shielded his eyes, fearing that the buzzing might torment him again. But it didn't come, just a white, blank screen... I didn't even make a sound.

Suddenly a rattling came from the TV, and the white screen began to waver. And before long the whole Television started shaking. IT'S ABOUT TO BLOW! his head screamed at him, he went and hid behind the corner of the elevator. He foolishly peeked his head over to watch it happen...

The TV stopped shaking, and soon enough the screen spat out something. An axe? Its form was glitching, a bit transparent even, it was constantly drifting in and out of existence. Mono was struck in bewilderment, it actually helped him. It did! 

He found himself laughing, mostly in disbelief. He came out of hiding and approached the TV, and soon enough he saw something standing there in the white void. A tall figure, its head shifting from one face to the next before finally settling on a face of a man with a hat. the figure bowed and said, "Soon, boy... but not today..." 

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