Through the halls

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*Hops out of tardis* Hello again! how have you been? Here, I brought you another chapter! a long one too at that! 3k+ words I think.

I'm thinking of putting one extra chapter after the end, where I would talk about behind the scenes, (If that really mattered anyway.) it would get updated a few times. But anyhoo, this story is still far from over. We're not even halfway yet.

Enough of that! Enjoy! you lovely people.


"A school..." Mono said, scratching his chin. "Huh..." This Frankensteinish castle is a school. Well, maybe it's not as bad as he claims it to be. "Wait here for a bit, Six. I'm gonna check it out." He said and Six nodded. First, he went up the stairs leading to the entrance, placing his two hands on one step then lifts himself. Onward and upward until reached the double doors. He tried pushing them, but they wouldn't budge. He took a few steps back and looked up at the square windows at the top of each door, he didn't see much, but there were a couple of metal rods propped against the doors from the other side. "Nope. No getting through here." Mono said, going back down the stairs.

Six had her back turned to him, kneeling right next to the detached swings a few steps away. She seems to be holding something in her hands. Mono tilted his head. Now filled with curiosity, he walked towards her, passing the white chalk drawing on the floor, he couldn't help but slip a glance at them, most of the drawings were either stick figures or flowers, but one particular drawing was a female stick figure, she seemed pretty angry, her hair was drawn in roughly in circles to her shoulders, she had fangs for teeth and a wicked smile stretching from ear to ear, and her neck was bending out and twisting so horribly from her body. Jeez, kids draw these things?  Mono thought, briefly. Now he was filled with doubt, he no longer knows if he and Six are the only ones around here. Looking back at the building Mono wondered if it really was the best idea to go inside. OH, get it together! Who in their right mind would choose to live in a wasteland like this? a person with a death wish that's who... 

As Six heard him approach, she turned towards him, "Mono..." She said, her eyes examining the ball in her hand. Its fabric was torn from all sides, but luckily it was still filled with a good amount of air. 

Mono placed his over the ball and squeezed it. "Where did you find that?" 

Six pointed towards a netless goal made of rusted metal, oddly enough, the goal was pretty much made for children their size. 

Mono thought about it for a while, Oh well, where's the harm in that? he turned back towards Six and beckoned with his head, "Come on, I wanna show you something." Mono said, running towards the goal. Six stood there reluctantly for a moment, and as Mono called for her again she followed him. Mono stood in the middle as keeper, he placed his hands against his hips with confidence. Six stood a few feet away, the torn sports ball in her hands still, confusion drawn all over her face. 

"Uhhh, I-... am I supposed to do something?" Six said.

Mono laughed nervously, "Place the ball in front of you." he instructed. And Six did so. But she just stood there, "Okay... Now kick the ball in the goal!" Mono said standing at the ready, squatting a bit with his hovering at his sides. Six gave the most pitiful kick ever, the ball slid and hit Mono in his toes, "Six... really? Come on give it your best shot!" He said rolling the ball.

"Best shot?" Six said, laughing nervously. 

"Kick it harder! aim for the goal!" He said.

Six shrugged, "Okay then..." She said, backing off. She ran towards the ball and kicked it, sending it flying towards Mono. He caught it just inches away before it smacked him in the face.

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