Chapter 14

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We were back at Hogwarts, I was sitting on Remus' bed, his head in my lap as I played with his hair. It was a full moon last night, he was a bit scratched up but nothing a healing spell or two couldn't fix.
Remus whispered" You don't have to comfort me, Ezra." I shushed him, he smiled," Really, Ezra? Shushing me?" I smiled,
I said" Yes. Now shh." He rolled his eyes but let me continue, Sirius and James walked in.
James said" She shushed ya, huh?"
" Shh!"
" Yes, ma'am." He walked over to his bed and sat down, I giggled,
Remus said" How are we older than her but she still has us wrapped about her finger?"
Sirius said" Because she is a fierce and mischievous little thing that scares us." He smiled widely as Remus looked up to look at him.
" Ah, you're right." I pushed his head back down, he laughed," I'm fine, Ezra, really. Let me up!"
I said" Nope!" He huffed but laid his head back down,
James said" Told ya, she's scary."
Sirius said" No, she just likes playing with our hair." I blushed as he caught me," I told ya, princess, I know everything." I continued to play with Remus' hair, Remus sat up.
He said" Continue playing with my hair, but I am reading." He crossed his legs, I sat on my knees to reach his hair, and continued to play with it.
James said" Ezra, what's the plant that makes you grow gills?"
I mumbled" Gillyweed, James."
" Thanks."
Remus said" Do you two just use her to get answers when I'm not around?"
Sirius said" Peter does too. She remembers everything she reads! She's brilliant!"
" You do?" I hummed, nodding my head, then got up and grabbed a box of fudge flies. I popped one into my mouth as I began tidying up the room." You don't have to clean up for-" I stared at him, he sighed, then grumbled," Fine." I smiled and giggled as I continued,
James said" Much a werewolf, eh?"
" Shut it, James." They laughed, I smiled and yawned, James got up and lifted me up, I squeaked.
" Come on, little bird, time for a quick nap."
I said" 'M not a baby, James."
Sirius said" But you've been through a lot and deserve all of the peaceful rest you need. Bring her here." I was dropped onto Sirius' bed, I laughed and crawled up to him, his arms wrapped around me as I settled in.
I was staring at Malfoy and Snape as they cornered me when I was walking to potions.
Malfoy said" So, you're owned by a disgrace now?" He gripped my chin, I gulped,
I said" Y-Yes."
" Heard you two ran away!"
" N-N-No..."
" Should take you from him..." I started shaking," He's no man."
" L-Leave me alone." I tried to pull away but Snape gripped my sides, I yelped and squirmed immediately.
" What?!"
" Leave me alone."
" You should learn to respect men." Then Snape said a spell I didn't recognize, I got dizzy, then-

I woke up in a Slytherin dorm room, I gulped and looked around, feeling rope on my wrists. I squirmed, trying to get out, I breathed heavily, tears slid down my cheeks.

All I could feel was fear as Malfoy walked about his dorm room, ignoring me as I squirmed and grunted, trying to get out of tight ropes around my wrist.

Sirius' POV
I said" Where the bloody hell is she?" I paced the dorm,
Remus said" Calm down, knowing her she's got trapped in a book in the library, curled up by a window."
" She would have told us she was going to the library."
" We're not her bosses, she doesn't have to tell us anything."
" But she would have." I panicked," No, something's wrong. Give me the map."
James said" We swore to never use the map on her."
" I don't care!" I snatched the map from his bedside table," I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." I opened the map, searching about," Ezra Hawksley." Her name came alive and she..." What the bloody hell is she doing in the Slytherin house?"
" What?" Remus rushed to me and looked, he gulped, James pushed me aside and looked." She never would have went there willing."
" Of course not! When I get my hands on Snape and Malfoy! They'll wish they were dead!" I stormed out, anger was all I could feel.

I saw Regulus in the great hall, I stormed to him and grabbed the collar of his shirt, he gulped.
I said" Where's Malfoy and Snape?"
He said" What're you talking-"
" Where the bloody hell are your filthy friends!"
" Probably the common room!" I dragged him up," Oi! Let go!"
" Not until you get me into Malfoy's dorm room."
" What?! Why?!"
" They took Ezra!"
" The girl you bought?"
" Shut it! I bought her to ensure her safety. Her parents were going to sell her to an old git."
" What?"
" You know what it's like for the females of pure blood gits."
" But she's far too young."
" Like you give a damn. You let Malfoy torture her. And if he's hurt her, I will hurt you too."

He got me into the common room, and outside of Malfoy's room, I tried to turn the doorknob but it was locked. I snarled,
I said" Alohomora." The door unlocked, and I saw Ezra tied by her wrists on his bed. My vision blurred with anger, I walked to her, I rubbed the side of her face, she woke up. Gasping, then she saw me, she started crying,
She babbled" Siri, Siri... he took me from the-the corridor, I-I..."
" Shh, princess. It's all right, I'm here now." I untied her wrists, she wrapped her arms around my neck," Shh, it's all right, I'm here." Then Malfoy came out of his bathroom, prefect powers... disgusting, really.
He said" How did you find her?"
" None ya business, greasy haired git." I lifted her up with one arm, my other hand gripping my wand.
" Oh, I didn't touch her, but did you?" I snarled," You did buy her, no?" Ezra whimpered against my neck,
" To save her from you horrible gits!"
" Oh, she's gonna be like you? Pity... with a bit of training, she would have made an adequate wife." I backed away, keeping my eyes on him as I walked out.

We got out of the Slytherin house, I kissed her head, she whimpered against my neck again.
I said" I never should have let you out of my sight."

She was silent as I walked us back to the dorm room, I knew she was terrified, so I knew she wouldn't talk. I opened the door and walked in slowly,
Remus said" Is she all right?" I put her down on my bed, she yelped as I took her wrists into my hands. I cooed at her, shushing her quietly, I gently rubbed the rope burnt and bruised skin. She whimpered but let me for a few seconds before pulling away from me. I pulled my wand out of my pocket and held it to her left wrist,
I said" Episkey." I held it to her right wrist, watching the left heal," Episkey." The right healed, she sighed and slumped a little into my bed. I smiled and kissed her head, I went to move away from her but she clung to my waist." Shh, princess, just going to inform the boys on what happened."
She mumbled" Inform them from here." She tried to yank me down but only caused me to wobble a bit, I chuckled and laid next to her. She curled up by my side, wrapping her arms and legs around me like I'd leave if she fell asleep. I smiled at her, letting her settle her head on my shoulder, nuzzling her little face against my neck.
" Malfoy had her tied to his bed post by her wrists... I'm pretty sure it was just to frighten her, which he definitely succeeded in. Think I can get Minnie to excuse her from classes?"
Remus said" No, Pads."
" Well, then guess we're skipping classes for a few days till she calms down."
" She could take days to recover from this, we all can't miss."
" Well, I will, like I give a bloody damn."
James said" What did he even want with her?"
" He asked if I touched her..." I remained calm as Ezra flinched," Shh, princess, shh, it's all right. You know what? We're not talking about this. We're talking about revenge. What can we do? What do we have?"
" Not much... prank-wise, at least. We'd definitely have to take a trip to Zonko's if we were to prank him."
" Fine. We will." Ezra whimpered at the mention of me leaving," Not now, princess, shh, let's take a nap, yeah? How's that sound?" She hummed, nodding her head a bit, I sighed and she began to relax.

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