Chapter 1

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I stared at the letter in my hands then walked to the kitchen,
I said" Mum... Father... my letter came in, the list for my school things." I looked down as I approached them, father snatched it out of my hands and looked over it.
He sneered" How will you even attend these classes?! You're dim." I kept my stare to the ground, careful to not anger him anymore.
Mum said" Far too much money, but unfortunately you need an education."
" Why are you so quiet?!" He gripped my chin and made me look at him, I started shaking,
I said" B-Because... Because-"
" Stop stuttering!" He pushed me into the wall, I yelped, tears slid down my face as I stood back up slowly.
" I'm sorry."
" Get the blasted money and go to Diagon Alley and get your things!"
" Yes, sir." Mum threw a sachet of money to me, I barely caught it then began walking to the Floo system.

I was in Diagon Alley, I saw all of the other students getting their new books and things with their parents. I looked down and continued to walk, heading to Flourish and Blotts. I knocked into someone, I hit the ground,
I said" Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry."
I heard a boy say" It's all right. Here, give me your hand." I looked up and saw a Black, I gulped, they were friends with my family. Slytherin and all.
" No, no, that's- I'm sorry." I scrambled up and scurried off, it seemed to be the oldest one, his name was Sirius, he was in 6th year, he was also a Gryffindor like me.

I was packing everything up, my door opened, I kept my head down as I noticed it was my father's footsteps. He grabbed the back of my cloak and slung me into the wall. I cried out as I hit the wall rather hard then hit the ground,
He said" Stop that crying!" I immediately stopped, sniffling," What the bloody hell is wrong with you?! You damn disgrace! Don't know why we even pay for your schooling, a Gryffindor! You disgust me."
I said" I'm sorry."
" You better be! The only reason we do pay is to get rid of you for the majority of the year!"
" Yes, sir."
" Will miss beating you though, better get in more sessions before you leave, right?"
" Yes, sir."
" Good girl." He walked out, slamming the door behind him, I gulped then breathed heavily as panic filled me to the brim, then I sobbed silently.
I was on the train, doodling on some spare parchment I had, then people started filling the compartment, then I flinched at a voice I hated the most. Severus Snape. He was a 6th year, he was cruel to me for no reason, other than he was friends with Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black.
He said" Look at this, stupid little wanna-be mudblood." I flinched at the word, everyone started laughing and picking at me but I ignored them." How aren't you in Slytherin again, maybe you're just too dim for it."
I said" Because I'm not vile, Severus." He slapped his hand on my parchment, causing my doodles to get destroyed, I gulped then realized I had ink all over me now. I got up and walked away quickly, trying to get it off me by wiping my hands on the spots.
I heard a girl say" Oh, sweetie, that won't help, come'er."
" N-No, it's okay." I looked and saw Lily Evans, she smiled, and walked to me.
" How did this happen?"
" Uh... I just spilled some ink... I'm daft and clumsy."
" Daft, really? Clumsy, maybe, but definitely not daft. Accidents happen." I looked down, she pointed her wand to my shirt and the stain vanished." There we go, all cleaned up."
" Thanks..." I rushed off, embarrassed and growing red, I went looking for a new compartment to sit in.

I finally relaxed as I got to my dorm, I laid in my bed, the dinner was brilliant but I wasn't hungry. Father beat me till I was bloody last night, now my stomach really really hurts. The other girls in my dorm came in, all chatting, but not including me... they don't like me, well mainly because of where I come from, but that's okay, friends are just an issue for me anyways. They don't think I deserve to be in Gryffindor, but it wasn't my choosing to begin with! Why would I want to be Gryffindor if it meant dishonoring my entire family?! I want to be nothing like them, but I don't want to be beat for it every time I'm home. And godrick forbid at a family gathering, that's all that's talked about, my disgrace. I clutched my stomach and rolled over, closing my eyes and drawing my curtain.
I was rushing from care of magical creatures, when I was tripped, I grunted as I hit the ground.
Lucius Malfoy said" Oops. My apologies, filthy traitor." I got up, not daring to challenge him by looking him in the eyes, he snickered and kicked my books away from me." Apologies... again." He walked away, I sighed then picked up my books before scurrying off for my next class.

Some Ravenclaw boys were throwing my book over my head, I tried catching it but it seemed impossible.
I said" C-Can you- Please. I-I..." I sighed, then tears brimmed my eyes,
The first one said" Aw, look! She's gonna cry!"
The second said" Aw! Are we making you cry?!"
" Hell, we're gonna be late." They threw the book and ran off, I ran to the book and picked it up, dusting it off then running for my class.

Professor McGonagall was teaching the lesson, but I could barely hear her over the thumping of my own heart, my brain went fuzzy...

Professor McGonagall said" Ms. Hawksley, Ms-"
I said" S-Sorry, Professor. Yes?"
" Lesson is over." I noticed everyone else was gone," Are you all right?"
" Uh... ye-yes, Professor. I'm sorry." She looked at me, like she wanted to say something else.
" Go on." I grabbed my things and rushed off, I passed a group of 6th years, known as the marauders. One of them, Sirius Black, looked at me, I scurried off even faster. Great start to my third year... luckily I didn't get detention, that would have made things a thousand times better!

I yawned as I slumped against a desk in the common room, I stood up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I sighed and gathered my things before walking up to my dorm.

I laid down, and stared at the ceiling, then whimpered as a pang of pain hit my stomach again. I sighed, squeezing my eyes shut, hopefully drifting off soon.

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