Chapter 13

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I was giggling as James threw popcorn at me,
I said" No! James! You're supposed to be stringing it... silly."
He said" But I'm bored! Why can't I go help Lily and Remus bake?"
" Because you got kicked out because you wouldn't stop trying to give Lily sticky kisses!" Sirius chuckled from next to me,
He said" She's not wrong, mate. So, just string the bloody popcorn." Then he ate another handful, I gave him a pout, he huffed," Well, I'm hungry, princess, what do you expect me to eat?" I gave him a biscuit," Is this a silent dog joke or did Lily and Remus actually bake cookies into little dog bones."
Remus said" Under her request!" Sirius looked at me with a mischievous smirk, I giggled.
James said" Bloody hell! We've taught her a thing or two! Good job, little bird!"
Sirius said" Remus, come eat one too!"
Remus said" I'm busy, git!"
" Fine! I'll eat my doggy biscuit all alone!" He munched on it," I hate that these are good..." James and I laughed," Keep stringing your popcorn."
James said" Just admit it, Padfoot! She got you!"
" Oh, she most definitely did! I'm proud!" He ruffled my hair," Good job, princess! So proud of you!"

I squeaked" Moony!" Remus rushed in and saw I was sandwiched between James and Sirius while they put mistletoe in my hair." Help!"
He said" What did you do, first off?" I giggled, smiling innocently, then he saw the chocolate that was smeared across their faces. He chuckled," You are full of mischief today, aren't you?"
" Yes! Its their fault!"
" Of course it is, they're terrible influences. Sirius! James! Stop putting mistletoe in her hair."
Sirius grumbled" We're just makin' her the goddess she is!" He poked my nose which caused me to giggle," Lil' goddess deserves all the pretty mistletoe." Lily stood next to Remus,
She said" So, she's the goddess of christmas snogging?"
James and Sirius screamed" No!" Then quickly pulled the mistletoe out," Lily! She's too innocent for that language!"
" Oh, my god." She walked to me and grabbed my hands, pulling me up, she led me into the kitchen.

Mrs. Potter said" Boys?! Oh, merlin! Girls, come get a look at this!" Lily and I walked into the lounge and saw James and Sirius wrapped in the shiny tinsel and Remus curled up on the ground laughing." Why did I leave them to decorate?"
Lily said" Well... they got most of it done!" She laughed, I giggled and walked to Sirius and James, they both smiled at me, they chuckled.
James said" We got a bit carried away, eh, little bird?"
I said" Uh-huh."
Remus laughed" Turned my back for a second!" Mr. Potter walked in, he chuckled at the scene,
He said" Only gone for a few hours and they're being sacrificed to the tree."
James said" Not funny, dad! Let us out!"
" First a picture!"
Sirius said" No! My hair looks terrible!" I stood on my toes, reaching up and fixing his hair," Thanks, princess." I turned to Mr. Potter, Lily wrapped an arm around them and Remus wrapped an arm around my shoulder. We all smiled as Mr. Potter took the picture, then we all laughed as the boys toppled over. James finally pulled free, he sat up, laughing,
He said Never again! Dim tinsel!"
I was staring at them, worried,
James said" It's way better than those dark parties, I promise!"
Sirius said" I've been! It's so warm and welcoming, princess."
Remus said" And we'll be there to protect you. And Peter'll be there!"
I said" Promise my parents won't be here..."
Sirius said" They would never step foot into this party. James' mum even bought you a new dress!" He walked to my wardrobe and pulled out a beautiful red dress that sparkled. My mouth gaped, he smiled,
" So pretty..."
" Wanna give it a whirl?" I nodded my head, he chuckled and held my hand as he led me to the changing area that had a curtain. I walked behind it and began changing, once I was in the dress, I walked out, and looked down." You look stunning, princess!" I looked up, smiling a little,
Remus said" So beautiful, darling."
James said" Majestic, little bird. Our own little phoenix."
I said" Really?"
Sirius said" We'd never lie to you."

We were downstairs at the party, my arm on Sirius',
Mrs. Potter said" Oh, look at you!" She held my face," You look beautiful, dear." I smiled," Oh, Fleamont! Come look at Ezra! She looks beautiful!" Mr. Potter walked up, he chuckled,
He said" Oh, my dear! You are absolutely stunning!"
Sirius said" Told ya so, princess." Then Peter was hugging me, I giggled as he lifted me off the ground.
He said" You look stunning, little bird!" He put me down,
" Took you long enough to get here, Wormy!"
" Sorry, sorry! I couldn't figure out how to tie my tie!"
" Only you, Pete." He watched Remus walk off," Mission... make Ezra have a sugar coma!" I giggled at them, James walked up,
He said" Mission what?"
" You heard me! We've got to get her to sleep early, or we'll ruin the surprises."
I said" What?"
" Shh, you didn't hear me." I giggled, nodding my head," Good! So, load up, boys! Her favorite thing is chocolate! Whoever gets her sleepy first wins!" Then he was off, Peter was too, James laughed and looked at me, holding out his hand to me.
He said" Wanna dance, little bird?"
I said" I don't know this dance."
" Come on, I'll lead."

James and I were in the middle of the room, one hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand. His hand was on my waist, we began moving in a circle, I gulped,
He said" You're doing perfectly, little bird, don't fret." We circled again, Then he spun me, I laughed, he pulled me back in and smiled." See? You're blowing everyone else away!"

Sirius handed me a cauldron cake, I giggled as I ate it, he pet my head,
He said" Lily would kill me if I ruffled your hair."
I said" Yeah."
" Should I, then?"
" Mm-hm!" He ruffled my hair then quickly smoothed it down again,
" Having fun?"
" Yeah, Sirius!"
" Good, princess. Now, eat your cauldron cake." I giggled,
" You just wanna win."
" Mm, and I also want you to have fun!"

Lily, Peter and I were dancing, Lily and I held hands and jumped. We laughed as Peter joined us, then I was hugged, I giggled and wrapped my arms around Remus' stomach.
He said" What have the boys made a game?" I giggled, he sighed, and kissed my head," It's definitely involving you because I see that mischievous glint in your eyes."
I giggled" First to get me sleepy wins!"
" Why?"
" I dunno know, Padfoot said something about a surprise." He chuckled,
" Only he would accidentally tell you something." I giggled," Having fun, darling?"
" Yeah, Remus!" I smiled widely, he laughed,
" Amazing, darling."
" Dance?"
" I don't dance."
Lily said" You're definitely dancing then!" She grabbed his arms and started shaking them, I laughed," Come on, Remus! Let go! Have fun! Ezra..." I pouted at him, he gave Lily an annoyed look,
" I can't say no to that face and you know it!"
" Isn't she adorable?!" She kissed my cheek,
" Yeah, she is!" He started swinging his arms with her, I giggled and bounced around them till Peter took my hands and we started swinging around too.

I yawned as I found Sirius, laying my head on his shoulder, I rubbed my eyes,
He said" Hello there..." He wrapped an arm around me," Sleepy, princess?" I hummed, nuzzling up against his neck, he chuckled." Who gave you the last sweet?"
I mumbled" You." I yawned again,
James said" You win, hm? Have a fun night, darling?"
" Mm-hmm, sleepy, Prongsy."
" That won't do, will it?"
Sirius said" Let's get you up to bed, princess." He lifted me up, Prongs covered my legs with his jacket, I closed my eyes.
Mrs. Potter said" Oh, poor dear's tuckered out, isn't she?"
Prongs said" We'll be back down in a few minutes, just gonna put little bird to bed for Christmas Eve."

I was put down, I rolled over, Sirius took off my shoes and tucked me in, Prongs took off my jewelry.
He whispered" Good night, little bird."
Sirius whispered" Sweet dreams, princess. Good night." I dozed off-
I woke up to Remus shaking my shoulder, he chuckled as I scrunched up my nose.
He said" Come on, darling, wake up. It's Christmas." I opened my eyes, to look at him, he smiled at me," And you have a load of things to open." I tilted my head,
I said" Huh?"
" Come on." He took my hands and pulled me out of bed, I rubbed my eyes with one hand as he led me with the other in his hand.

We got downstairs, I smiled widely as I saw wrapped gifts everywhere, Sirius walked to me.
He said" You said you'd never really had a Christmas... so why not start at the ripe age of 13."
I said" You really didn't have to-"
" Mm mm, nope! You have to accept every single gift!"
" Siri-"
" Shh!" He laughed as he led me over and I sat with my legs crossed, James and Peter ran up.
James said" Open this!" He grabbed one and gave it to me,
Sirius said" Its from all of us." I smiled and opened it, laughing as I saw a teddy bear. I lifted it up, smiling at it,
Remus said" Give it a squeeze."
Peter said" Go on, give it a hug." I hugged it, it sparkled and gave off warmth, I smiled, hugging it more.
I said" I love it! Never wanna let it go."
Sirius said" Whatcha gonna name it?"
" Mischief."
" Accurate! Brilliant."

I had opened the presents, most was candy and trinkets but I loved them all so much!
Sirius said" Have fun?" I nodded my head quickly,
I said" I love them!"
" Brilliant! Wanna share your candy floss?" I giggled and gave him a piece, he smiled," A lifesaver! Keeps me alive, I swear!" I laughed, he hugged me and dropped back onto the couch next to Remus. I cuddled into him, James and Peter joined us.
" Thanks for ever'thing."
James said" You're one of us, darling."
Remus said" Meaning we'll do anything for you."
Peter said" Anything and everything."
Sirius said" For the rest of your life, princess."

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