Sick to her Stomach

Start from the beginning

"HEY! Watch it, E!" He stands up and laughs.

"See!" Waving, she laughs. "Hiiiiii Cas! But seriously I've done some hard things in my life, but this has been the hardest. And I'm not gonna lie I've had some really great days thus far and met really wonderful lifelong friends and new family. I mean you guys witness the flower shower I got from my boys. By the way these are a few of the pack warriors that Is commands. Boys please stand!" Clapping the crowd cheers for them. "This is Nico, Jay, and Dominic. They're like my annoying older brothers, but at the end of the day I know that they would lay down their life for me. And not just because I'm their luna, but because they're my family."

"Edeeeee!" Screaming they come and smush her in a group hug.

"I love you guys and forgive you." She whispers in their little huddle as the crowd awes.

"We really are sorry, E." Dom apologizes since he's the one that alerted Rome of her whereabouts with Ty last night.

"I know." Smiling, she touches each of their cheeks before they sit down. "But that's just me. I'm not perfect and it's ok to have what my mom taught me are strong days in dressup! It just means that you gotta take off the extra layer of the costume to get to what's underneath. And that's the strength. But because I'm not having a 'perfect Eden' day, we're gonna keep this train derailed. So I'm gonna do an open floor honest Q&A, how about that! YEAH!" Laughing as the crowd goes wild, Eden is truly having a blast not being perfect Eden. "You guys can ask me anything, besides war strategies, my pin number, stuff like that!"

Letting a silly giggle escape she snorts, much to everyone's amusement. As hands fly up like hands at an auction, Eden answers the questions with grace. Even Lily and her mother help answer questions. Especially ones that lead to hilarious stories about Eden.

"Ok, ok! I think we have eaten up sooo much fun time! You guys still have food trucks and rides and mate mixers to get to, I'm sure you have heard enough about my nonsense! But one last question, ok how aboooooouuuuuttt you!" 

Pointing to a she-wolf Eden waits.

"Oh yay! I'm so glad you chose me because you're like the only one that knows where I'm coming from! Ok so I'm arranged to an alpha that I've never met, like you it was part of some treaty and I happen to be the bartering tool."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's whatever, but my main concern is how do you marry and spend the rest of your life with someone you don't love."

Hearing the crowd gasp, Eden's immediate reaction is to look back and to check on Rome. Seeing his unwavering stoic reaction, she's truly bewildered. She doesn't know if he's just saving face or because of their argument earlier, but she's going to answer the best way she knows how.

"To come into someone's life when you have your own family, career, idea of what life is supposed to be and they have their own; it's very hard. Because as long as you want everything separate it will never get the chance to mix. What I'm saying is you gotta be open minded. You have to be willing.  You have to give when he gives. But what I've truly learned is that you have to want to work at it. I used to think you shouldn't have to work at it from the beginning, but I was wrong. I was wrong because I thought love meant everything started off perfect. But truth is all days aren't gonna be perfect. However, as long as you make sure the good outweighs the bad you'll be alright.  And love is weird. You don't know you love someone until you're all in. And if you go in with a closed off heart and mind, you can never be all in. And love is soo good and it's such a pure all encompassing feeling that you owe it to yourself to see if you two can help it blossom. Cause at the end of the day it's your life to live. So you might wanna make it a great one to live. I hope that helps."

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