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He leans back against the door to make himself a bit more comfortable while telling his story. His eyes never leave mine.

'Zayn is a very good criminal, Evelyn. He's barely able to follow. A lot of the people working for me didn't succeed in tracking him down anymore. I think that's the part where I figured out this had to be something serious. Because somehow nobody was able to follow him to your place, what meant he was very determined on not letting anyone know about where he was going. But that didn't stop me. One day he left the house telling me he was going to pick up the kid. I did not follow him because I knew he would know. What I decided to do instead, was going to the school on my own and wait for him to get there. And that's where you appeared. I saw Zayn picking up the kid and when  I was ready to go back because I saw enough, I caught you, beautiful and innocent as you are, stupidly deciding to follow Zayn. So I decided to follow you. Literally the best move I could make because that way Zayn would be suspicious about you and not about me. So I caught him catching you, and I also learned that whenever he is with you, he's not able to keep his focus straight because I was suddenly able to follow you both to your home. Which was slightly disappointing to be honest. I expected more focus from him.'

His proud smile doesn't suit his face.

'I was able to track you down and get more information of you than you would've wanted. From that day people have been following you from the moment you got out your apartment until you were safely back inside. That's also how I learned about your friend's café. And can I tell you, sweet Evelyn, how incredibly satisfying it was to see Zayn's reaction to my new found spot to rob. You should have seen his face. Lord, that was a good day. And it was a total win to catch you two quietly interact while your friend was being robbed. Zayn is so incredibly out of focus whenever he's with you. It's truly remarkable.'

My stomach has turned a couple of times during him telling the story. He knew from the very beginning? Zayn just happened to pull it off until I decided to stupidly follow him? So this IS technically all my fault. Everything is my fault.

'I do want to apologize though, for that one guy you happened to catch while he was following you. That has been taken care off. Literally the poorest I have ever seen a man do.' He rolls his eyes as if that was the only lacking bit in his plan.

Suddenly I feel the need to try something. I already messed everything up big time, so the least I can do is try to make this alright again.

'So what's the plan now?' My raspy voice asks him in a rush of anger. 'If you want to kill me just do it. I'm here, you have your chance.'

It makes him burst out in laughter and it's when his eyes leave mine, faster than I thought he would, I take my chance and run up to him with my right fist forward, just like Harry taught me one day. I am able to hit him right in his jaw, but unlike my expectations, he immediately grabs my pulse, turns it in his grip, making me cry out in pain before he lets go with so much force that I fall back my head barely an inch of the wood of the bed.

'Don't try a stunt like that again because I swear I won't let you have a sight of your boyfriend ever again.' He hisses between his teeth, suddenly no smile to be seen.

'As if you were planning that.' I mumble still too much in pain to be able to crawl up again.

'In fact I was. Just one last time. Before I kill you in front of him. Or maybe... If you are going to keep acting like a little brat, kill him in front of you first?'

Suddenly it feels like the air is getting sucked out of me. 'No. No no no.' I breathe out, not believing his words. 'Don't kill him. You can't kill him.'

'Oh, honey. Believe me... I can. And I will when I feel like it.' He enjoys all the power he has. He enjoys it to the fullest. 'Louis goes first, making Zayn an easy catch. Then you'll go. Making him regret every single choice he made in his life. And from then I'm  bit torn. I actually feel like keeping him alive for a bit longer. Just so he can enjoy the pain of it all.'

'What makes you think he will find the place?' I hiss.

'What makes you think I won't give him a little tip?' He smiles again. 'I'm pretty sure he'll take whatever he gets.'

He suddenly walks over to me, hoists me up from the ground and performs such a forced arm grip on my throat that I'm barely able to breath. I catch him taking out his phone and putting it on front camera. Soon the video starts recording. 'You should've told me about her earlier, Malik.' His voice sounds in my ear while he tightens his grip even more. 'I would not mind sharing her.' He continues amused. Somewhere between my own struggles to gasp for air and his voice talking to the man that can't see this video by any means, I feel him press his lips against my jaw and I instantly feel like throwing up. 'I think you know which room this is, so I guess I'll see you very soon.' Stars appear in my vision and I slowly feel myself lose consciousness until he suddenly lets go of me, making me fall hard on the ground again. 'Don't be too much of a trouble, Evelyn. Or I'll maybe change my mind and make the process of killing you a bit longer than I anticipated.'

And with that he walks out the door, locking it behind him, leaving me in utter desperation while thinking about whatever will come next. 

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