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Narcissa, Rowan, Marilyn, and Molly, we're in Narcissas room, watching as the animals all did a little show for them, as they all make there own dresses for the wedding.

"Probably should be excited about this." Molly says with her strong Irish accent,"Honestly, marrying Henry might be terrible, but all you need to do is survive." She says, as Rowan pricks her finger.

"That hurts." Rowan says, then rubs the blood on her own dress",But Molly, encase you didn't know, my sister was the one that took Henry from Anne." She says, and Narcissa hits Rowan on the shoulder.

"Let's just focus on the positive." Narcissa says, and smiles, as the girls giggle.

"Alright, you might have a son as your first child, and-"

The girls all just looked at Marilyn, and she stopped talking, and just smiled.

"Maybe if I do have a son, Henry will think I can do something." Narcissa says, as the ladies all giggle,"Maybe people will notice me, as not just Anne's sister."

"You are nothing like Anne, Narcissa." Rowan says, and Narcissa smiles at Rowans kind words.

"Rowan is to sweet for any of us." Molly says, as Rowan gigles,"Its like she really did come from heaven." She says, and goes back to the dress.

"I bet everyone will be looking at how beautiful you'll look, Rowan." Narcissa says, and smiles, as Rowan nods.

"But it will be your wedding day, Cissy." Rowan says, and smiles,"You will have everyone's eyes." Rowan says, as Narcissa smiles, and nods.

"Because they don't have a chance." Molly mumbles,"Everyone will have eyes for their king, and soon queen." Molly says, as Narcissa nods.

"Many people will be there is the thing."

"And what's wrong with that?"

"I'm not used to being around many people." Narcissa says, as the girls jaw dropped,"I have never been around many people."

"But didn't you make things for people?" Marilyn asks, as Narcissa nods,"Then how are you nervous?" She asks, and chuckles.

"My sister is Anne, we are much more different." Narcissa says, and smiles,"We always had different eyes when it comes to being the same person." She says, as Marilyn tilts her head to the side.

"Doesn't she have blue eyes, and you have light brown eyes?" Molly says, as the girls all laugh at her face,"What I'm just asking."

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