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Narcissa was awaken by something from her window.

She looked toward her window, and saw it, a bird, looking for something.

Narcissa got up, and looked at the bird closely to see it is a Dove.

She opened the window, and let it fly in, she watched as it flies around the room, and bumped into some stuff.

"You must be more careful, my friend." Narcissa says, walking over to the bird, as she watches it sit down on the side of Narcissa chair,"You must have been looking for somewhere to stay, huh?" She asks, as the bird looks at Narcissa, and tilts her head,"I've been looking for that." She says, and sits down next to the bird.

She looks at the bird, as the bird looks at her.

"You have pretty wings." Narcissa says, and watches the bird fly around once more,"And pretty funny." She laughs, as the bird keeps flying around.

Narcissa puts her legs up, and holds them close to her.

"Anne would have loved this." Narcissa says, as the bird comes flying down, and sits next to Narcissa once more,"My sister is Anne, Anne Boleyn." She says, as the bird walks a bit closer to her,"We were the best of friends. Until her down fall, not so long ago." She says, and gets off the chair.

Narcissa walked over to her closet, and got out a dress.

She turned back  around to see more animals coming in.

"Oh no." She says, throws the dress onto the chair, and runs over to the window and closing it,"No more." She says, and turns around to the dove.

She sees birds getting her clothing she needs, a bunny grabbing her shoes, mice grabbed her a flower, and layed it in front of her.

"Oh, thank you." Narcissa says, and picks up the shoes, she walks around her room.

She jumps when she sees a snake making her tea.

"Well, that's sweet." Narcissa says, and the snake it moves it towards her.

Narcissa takes a sip, and smiles.

"Why, thank you." Narcissa says, and puts her arm down,a s the snake slithers onto her arm,"You are just so sweet." Narcissa says, as the snake licks her cheek, making her giggle.

Narcissa sees the bunny sitting down on her chair, she lifts the bunny up, nad puts the tea down, as the bunny snuggles into her.

"Isn't this adorable." Narcissa says, as she sees everything layed on her bed.

"Well, thank you animals." Narcissa says, as the snake gets off her arm, and grabs her dress.

Narcissa quickly undresses, and puts on her dress, and shoes quickly.

"Why this is amazing." Narcissa says, as she starts walking,"You can all stay here, I just have to run out for a while, good, good." Narcissa says, and starts walking out, as the bunny follows her,"I said stay.' Narcisa says, as she puts a finger down, and the bunny stays put,"Good." She says, and walks out, as the bunny runs back in the room.

Naricssa was in wondering around outside, looking around wondering how she got herself into this mess.

"It'll all be fine, Cissy." Narcissa says to herself, as she reaches towards her bag,"Well, how did you get in there my friend." Narcissa asks, pulling a mouse out of her bag,"I told you to stay." Narcissa says, and giggles as the mouse jumps onto her shoulder,"Alright fine." Narcissa says, as she lets the mouse stay on her shoulder.

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