The All Valley

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Skipping to the all valley cuz I'm lazy as shit. Also Robby didn't go to the Prom because he is heartbroken over Daisy.

"Daisy!" I turn around to see Robby
"Ugh what?"
"Please let me explain about the drive in please."
"If I do will you leave me alone."
"Ok fine.

"Look, I was really upset about you being upset with me and condoling in Demetri-"
"Wait how did u know I was upset with you and with Demetri."
"I went looking for you and overheard you guys talking and by the way even if you left Cobra Kai I wouldn't have broke up with you."
"Good to know. Didn't even get the chance too since you cheated on me."
"No I didn't! Tory kissed me I didn't kiss her back and when we 'pulled away" that was me pushing Tory away!"
"How can I trust you!"
"Because I am so in love with you and you know you are too!"
"I know that!"
"But I can't trust you and the only way I can believe you is if I hear it from Tory!"

"Can Daisy LaRusso come back stage. That's Daisy LaRusso back stage."
"I got to go Robby figure out a way to fix this or we are done. For good."
I walk off leaving Robby with his thoughts

"Hey have you got my dress?"
"Yes here go get it on and get out there."


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"Now before we began please welcome Daisy LaRusso with Never enough"I hear cheering and hear Robby cheer the loudest then drag Tory to the side and start arguing with her

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"Now before we began please welcome Daisy LaRusso with Never enough"
I hear cheering and hear Robby cheer the loudest then drag Tory to the side and start arguing with her. He must really want me back. He's sacrificing his spot on the team for this.

I see everyone one start to fight but I haven't changed because they want me to perform at the end too.
I then see Robby get out and storm out. I ran out as well as I could in heels. Tory came up to me and whispered something to me the said "go get back your man I'm sorry."
"Robby please slow down its hard to run in heels!"
"Not even gonna wait to see me perform at the end?"
"You want me there?"
I walk up to him and kiss him.
"Tory told me what happened. I'm sorry for not believing you."
"It's ok." He smiles and kisses me again
"Would you be my girlfriend again?" He said as he puts his forehead against me
"I'd love too." He pulls out the ring on a necklace
"I kept it just incase." He took it of the chain and back on my hand.
"Since your my girlfriend again can I call you babydoll"
"Well then babydoll you look stunning in this dress"
"Will you come and stand with me and my dad, maybe you can forgive him and come join miyagi-do again."
"I would love nothing more."
I grab his hand and drag him back over to my dad
"Hey daddy."
"Hey honey. What's all this about?"
He points to me and Robby.
"Robby explained everything. He never cheated Tory kissed him but he pushed her away. And before you ask she told me herself as well."
"Then in that case I approve." Robby smiles as I kiss his cheek. I look over and see ? all giddy "I'll be right back."
I walk over to Demi "what's with him?"
"Hawks back."
"Great I missed him."
"Not gonna lie but me too don't tell him I said that." We watch him walk over to moon and then see them kiss "awww" we say in sync "hey we're back" I hug him he hugs back "don't mean to interrupt but can I steal him for a sec." I look to see Yasmine. "Go ahead Yassy."
I walked back over to Robby and my dad
"Is everything ok here boys?"
"Yeh Robby apologised. Not gonna lie kid can hold a grudge."
"Trust me in know"

"Can Daisy LaRusso report to the stage. That's Daisy LaRusso report to stage."
"And now we welcome for the second time Daisy LaRusso with Material girl

(Daisy does the whole dance as well)

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