Back To School

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Ugh lunch finally. I felt like today has gone on forever and it's only been half a day.I walk in to the cafeteria and see my only 2 friends Eli and Demetri
"Hey losers how's it going."
"Hey doofus I'm good what bout you."
"I'm good met what bout you Eli."
"I'm ok."
"Still having trouble talking huh."
He nods
We continue talking and then some kid walk up to our table
"Is it cool if I sit here?"
"Oh sorry. Tables really blowing up right now. I can put you on the wait-list,but it's probably next semester at the earliest."Demetri replies. Sarcastic king over here!
"Okay?"the guy goes to walk away
"Dude,he's kidding,sit."I tell the guy to get him back over.
"Miguel."the guy says
"Demetri,this is Eli," he points to the shy kid next to him "and that is Daisy."
Eli gives him a small wave and small before looking down again, I give him a pat on the back to cheer him up kind off.
"He's a man of few words"I say to Miguel about Eli.Then he turns around as I glare just behind his head at my sisters new friends.More specifically Yasmine. "Dude. Don't torture yourself,those are the rich girls. Daisy could sit with them but she decides to sit with us instead." Demetri says with a suspicious look towards me. "I sit with you for 2 reasons. 1. You guys are my best friends. 2. You know I despise Yasmine." "Do u ever talk to them?" "Oh yeah! All the time! We hang out after school,make out,give each other hand jobs. Eli here is the homecoming king,gets laid more than anyone. Isn't that right,Eli?" Demetri replies sarcastically once again. "Talk to them?You realise what table you're sitting at, right? You've pretty much signed away all hopes of losing you're virginity before college. Well, besides Daisy." I threw a piece of my watermelon at him. Hit him square in the face.
"Oh shit. Yasmine's looking at us. Probably just making fun of me."
"I'll be right back." I say and stand up
I walk over to Yasmine and get in her face
"Something worth looking at Yassy."
"N-no nothing." She said scared
"That's what I though"
I push myself of her table and walk back over time mine and sit back down
"Problem solved."
I got back just in time to hear Miguel
"I mean, just because they're got doesn't mean they're mean"
"Trust me their mean."
"I don't care if Yasmine is the meanest girl at school. I'd kill the 3 of you just to get her to spit on my face."
"Demi that's gross."I say pulling a face at him.
Miguel clearly ignores me
"If you don't make a move, you'll never have a shot."
"True." Demi said pointing at Miguel
"But I'll also never suffer a humiliating rejection. I'm at piece with my depression. Last thing I need is to be suicidal."
Miguel than stand up looking at their table."What are you doing?"i ask.
"Striking first." He said not looking back at me. Me and Demetri look at each other worried and confused than back at him.
Miguel starts to walk over then Kyler moves to sit next to Sam and he walk back over to our table.
"Wait,wait. You were gonna talk to my little sister." I say looking at Miguel with a raised eyebrow.
"She's your little sister!"
"Technically there the same age considering they are twins but Daisy is 5 minutes earlier." Demetri states.
"Anyway moving on."I say glaring at demi.
"He looks at Miguel "so,how'd it go." And sarcastic demi is back. Miguel just shrugs.

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