Advice from Daisy

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I was looking for a book in my locker when Miguel cam up looking really nervous
"Hey miggy? You doing okay?"
"Yeh I'm fine?"he smiled
"I was just wondering if you could help me ask Sam out on a date?"
"Well, Sam says that after Kyler she's not going to date anyone for a while but i think she really likes you,so she won't say no. And she doesn't like anything huge, so just go up to ask her on a date with you.... Just don't be too weird or she'll say no."
I laugh along with Miguel

"Thanks daisy." He said giving me a hug
"Anytime, seriously if need help with any girl problems just come to me."I said with a smile
"You're the best" he said as he runs off
"I know" I shout over to him

"What was that about?" Demi comes over and says with a laugh
"Oh, you know. Girl problems." I said with a giggle


I walk out of school and see Robby looking around for someone until he spots me and comes over. I run a bit as fast as I can in heels.
"Hey! Robby. How did you know I go to school here?" I said as I pull him into a hug
"You told me, remember?" He said when he pulled away
"When?" I said with a giggle
"Literally last night. I need to remember that you have a terrible memory." Robby says as he starts laughing and I do too
"So,what is so urgent you needed to come to school to see me?"I ask
"What can I not come say hi?" Robby pulls an offended look I giggle at his childish antics.
"If you want, I'm not complaining."as we started to walk slowly towards my car
"But there actually is something I wanted to ask you."he said
"I knew it... what's up."as I giggle and smile

"What would you do if there was something you had to do but you didn't want to because you don't want someone to think you're a bad person."
"Well that depends is this person special to you."
"Yes they are"
"Then I suggest you don't go through with it if this person is as special as you say they should come before anything that would make them see you differently."
"Ok thanks daisy, you're the best, I gotta get back to work before you're dad yells at me." He says with a laugh at end
He kisses my cheek and starts to walk off my face turning red after does so.
"Wait." I grabbed his hand and pulled him back "you came all the way from my dads dealership to school to ask me that."
"I also needed an excuse to your gorgeous face." Robby said  making me blush even harder. Hopefully he doesn't notice
"But seriously I need to get back to work."
"Oh,yeah. Bye Robby." I said as I let go of his hand and he started walking back of to work

"Ok this time i know something is up."
"What are you talking about."
"He kissed your check, he came all the way to school just to ask you something and see you. He totally like you and by the colour of your face you like him too."
"Sam he doesn't like me. I'll admit i like him but he doesn't like me back."

Daisy LaRusso-Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now