Meeting Robby Keene

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I was sat with my little brother Anthony at the beach club sunbathing until my mom came over
"Do u guys want a drink or food?"
"No I'm ok mom."
We both turn to Anthony who was busy on his tablet so I kick him in the shin
"Ow! Daisy!"
I just sit there laughing and my mom hits me softly whilst trying not laugh herself
"Do u want a drink dude?"
"I want a lemonde"
"Bye mom."
"Bye guys."

We sit for a few more minutes until I decide to go find my friend
"Hey ant I'm gonna go find Aisha will you be alright?"
"Yeh I'll be fine bye Daisy."
"Later dude."
We do our secret handshake and I go off to my parents when I see Mr Robinson and Aisha coming over whilst her dad starts talking to my parents I start talking to Aisha
"Hey girl."
"Hey daisy."
"How was your AP physics prep?"
"It was good. I would of preferred to have you or Sam there but what can you do?I missed you a lot"she said and hugged me at the end
"Aw i missed you too,"I said hugging her back
"Hey where is Sam anyway?"Aisha asked my mom
"She with her grandma."My mom lied
"Hey I got to go bye Dais."
"Bye Aisha."

"She's with her grandma? Yeh right I can't get her to call her lately never mind visit."
"What was I supposed to say! She is hanging out with her new friends."
They continued talking about Sam and I only tuned in again when Anthony scared me
"DAD, where is my drink!"
"Jesus dude don't do that." I say holding my chest
"I'll through your tablet in the pool."
"No!"he runs off
I laugh and turn around to face my dad
"Hey dad do you think you could drop me off at the corner shop I need to get a couple of drinks and snacks for my movie night tonight?"
"Yeh of course honey"
After an hour or two we leave and they drop me off
"Are u sure you want to walk home we can wait."
"Yes dad I'll be fine."
"Ok honey I love you I'll see you later."
"Love you too dad bye mom love you"
"Love you too dais."

I got out of the car and walked into the store as I was walking towards the candy aisle, had 4 drinks in my arms,when I walked into someone, I dropped my drink "oh sorry I wasn't looking."I apologised to the mystery person "no it was my fault."I looked up at the person. Wow they are cute!"hey I'm Robby." "I'm Daisy." "That's a lot of energy drinks." "Well I'm having a movie night gotta stay up somehow." He smiles, oh god he looks even cuter. Some guy pops up from behind me "hey Robby,we got to go." "I'll see you round?" "Definitely." He smiles again before leaving with the people. I get my candy and pay and start to walk home. MOVIE NIGHT HERE WE COME!

Daisy LaRusso-Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now