Can I Have Your Number?

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I was sitting with Aisha in the cafeteria as Counselor Blatt makes a speech that no-one pays attention too.

"Cyber bullying is no laughing matter. Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to the face.I'm not gonna name names, but the other day a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity."I look over to see Eli covering his lip. I get up and give him hug and kiss his cheek "fyi I think your scar is badass." I pull away and go back to Aisha.

"But today, our goal here is to make a safe space for all students. Oh, and one more thing. While we're all looking forward to the halloween dance let's make sure our costumes are culturally sensitive. For example,instead of sexy nurse, maybe try gender-neutral hospital employee." She continues talking but I block her out. I soon felt a pair of eye watching me and I look over and see Kyler just staring at me but when I notice he looks away. Weird.

"Hey! I got a great idea for our costumes this year." Aisha says looking over at Sam behind our table. Aisha and Sam always match costumes on halloween because I always as a movie or to character. Last year I went as tinker bell because why not.
"I was thinking I go as sodium and u go as chloride and when people ask what we are, we do this" Aisha finished and started putting salt on our table. I giggle and Sam laughs.I feel kyler's eyes on me again as I giggle but I choose to ignore it.

"What is that, some dumb inside joke you have?" Yasmine asks rudely.
"I mean it's not really inside. Sodium Chloride is table salt." Me and Aisha chuckle at this.
"Yeah, I was kidding." Yasmine says, a bit embarrassed.
"We actually decided to go as Laker Girls." Sam says.
"Oh." Disappointment in Aisha's voice as she responds.
"But maybe we could order another." Sam tries to make her feel better
"They're one-size-fits-all, which suddenly seems like false advertising." Yasmine says. What does Demetri see in her?
"But Daisy can if she wants."
"I'll pass thanks." As I glare at her

After school, me and Sam go to the mall to get me a halloween costume. I went with Money heist, cuz why not.
After half an hour we went to get food. I sat down whilst Sam went to order, I went on my phone and heard someone sit down I look up and Robby

"Oh, hey Robby." I say to him with a smile.
"Hey Daisy." He responds with a smile "what you doing?"
"Just waiting for my little sister to get our food."
"I didn't know u had a little sister."
"She's actually my twin but I'm 5 minutes older."
"Cool." He responds and looks down at my phone "is it possible I can get your number."

I felt my cheeks heat up when I say "yeah sure." I open my phone and give it to him. He puts his number in then hands me my phone back "here you go." He stood up "text me" the he walked away. I looked down at my phone to see he saved it as

A couple minutes later Sam comes back with our food "who was he."she asks with a smile
"Just someone I met the other day."
"If it's 'just someone' then why are you blushing." This just makes me blush more.
"Look he's just some cute guy I met"
"Do you have his number?" Her smile gets bigger.
"He just asked for it."I laugh a bit
"He totally like you." Sam says as she starts eating
"He does not.He barely knows me."
"Whatever you say sis."

It was 7o'clock and we were sitting having dinner
"I mean, I feel bad for Aisha but at the same time I don't wanna dress up as a molecular compound"Sam says as she tells mom and dad about today.
"I totally get it, just because you guys aren't wearing matching costumes doesn't mean you can't hang out."mom says
"Speaking of the dance , I got and e-mail from the school." Dad says to us "They're looking for chaperones, they seem desperate."
"Yeah,no kidding." Mom says "who wants to spend there Friday night in a sweaty gym?"
"You're off the hook. I said I'd do it." Dad says
Sam drops her fork and looks at dad.
"What? Come on. Counselor blatt and I go way back." Dad explains "I couldn't leave her hanging."
"Mom? Dais?" Same pleading looking at us to try and talk to dad
"Come on, Daniel.Would you want one of your parents at your high school dance?"Mom says to Dad
"My mom drove me on dates,okay?" Dad replies
"Yeah? And how did that go?"Mom replies to dad who's stays quiet.
"This is so unfair"Sam says crossing her arms
"I don't mind" I say
"You two won't even notice me. I'll be a ghost" dad says to Sam and I.
"Ghosts are lame." Anthony joins in. I put him in a headlock
"Yeah,I'm not talking about a costume. It's just an expression and Daisy let go of your brother."Dad explains to Anthony and I let him go. He retaliated by smacking me on the arm I laugh at his childish behaviour.
"Just promise me you won't embarrass us" Sam says to dad
"I promise" dad says to Sam and I.

Daisy LaRusso-Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now