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"Wait, wait you're telling me, my mom came to your work, to tell you to leave Sam alone and got you fired."
I asked Tory over the phone as I was cuddling with Robby watching Tv. Since the incident yesterday, he won't leave me alone, I mean Im not complaining I love it,but it does get annoying trying to use the bathroom.
"Yeah, she walked in and sat down, got me all worked up so I yelled at some guy, then got fired."
"Woah. That's such a bitch move from her."
"I know. You got a family of assholes."
"Trust me. I know. Mh."
"Did u just moan?"
"Robby just started playing with my hair in the middle of my sentence sorry."
"Oh it's fine."
"As I was saying. My own father tried to keep me away from my boyfriend after finding out his dad is. Ik know they're a bunch of assholes."
"Hey we got karate in 1 hour babe we should probably get ready."
"Ok. Hey tor I'm gonna get ready for karate."
"Me too. Love you"
"Love you too bye."

We go and get changed and head down to the dojo
"Hey guys fall in. Now I know we have all been working really hard but we are still down a couple of helping hands which is why Robby is going to teach us Miyagi-do techniques to be able to take them down easier, everyone get one a side of the room,Babe,the floor is yours." I say and go stand next to Tory.
"Thanks sweetheart. Ok so we are first going to learn there blocks."
He teaches us how to do one then walks up and down the middle watching our moves
"These blocks are incredibly precise. Each one is designed to overcome a specific attack"
He stops in front of me so I stop "show me wax on,wax off."
He throws me a couple punches and I block them. He smiles at me
"The more you learn miyagi-do, the tougher you are to defeat."
"Except for one tiny flaw" Kreese said
We all stop and look at him "Their entire style is reactive, which means all their moves are counter moves. That means that we are in control,and we can use that to set traps."
He turns to Tory "show me paint the fence."
He throws a couple punches, she blocks them but then he swept her feet out.
"Sorry, just part of the lesson." She grabs his arm flips them so he's on the ground, gets on him then gets ready to punch him.
"Enough." Kreese said as he looked at my clenched fists
"Nichols in my office, continue the lesson."
Robby comes over to me and tries to grab my hand but I pulled away and continued practising the blocks not looking at him
"Hey what's up babe?"
"Don't talk me I'm practising." I say mad.
"Babe is this about that little thing it was just a little sparring."
" I said don't talk to me."
I walk into the back and practise my moves in there instead
A few minutes later Kreese walks in "what are you doing back here LaRusso?"
"Getting away from Robby and Tory."
"Because they act like they have feelings for each other and he's my boyfriend so it's making me insecure because Tory is so much better than me."
"That's no talk for a fighter. My best fighter."
"Don't lie to me Kreese I know I'm not the best fighter."
"Yes you are." He said as he sits next me on the floor "you have fighting in your blood."
"Good because right now I'm fighting the urge to kick both Robby and Tory in the face."
"I thought you and Mr.Park were close. Doesn't that make them uncomfortable."
"We have a sibling relationship we even call each other, bro and sis. Also the way Robby is acting is how he did with me before we started dating and I don't like it."
"If you want I can have a little talk with Mr.Keene."
"You can try I just don't think it would help much."
"I'll give it a shot." He gets up and walks out I hear him yell "Keene my office now!"
I stay in the back practising until I see Robby walk in I roll my eyes and go back to practising
"Sweetheart I'm sorry I had no idea I was acting that way."
"You keep doing this Robby. And I'm done with it."
"W-w-what does that mean?"he said tears filling his eyes.
"I'm done Robby, with it all, don't come back to the house tonight. We're over."
I walk out the back and go to my bag
"No- no we can talk this out please don't do this." He said following me out of the back
"I'm sorry Robby. It's over." I said walking out going to my car.
Tory runs out
"What the hell? Why did u just break up with him?"
"You really don't know."
"Why would I know."
"Because I know that you two have feeling for each other and I'm done being strung along."
"What that's crazy we don't like each other I love Kyler and Robby loves you."
"I'm sorry I just can't deal with all this now. I've got somewhere to be."

I get in my car and drive to juvie
"Excuse me I'm here to see Shawn Payne"
"Ok go on through."
I sit down and wait for Shawn
"Daisy? What are you doing here? Where's Robby?"
"He's at the dojo. I just ended things with him."
"What why you two were so good together."
"Because he is really close with this girl named Tory and I know that they like each other."
"Are you crazy?!"
"Excuse me?"
"Robby loves you. All the times he came here all he could talk about was you."
"Yes girl you mad."
"Well now I feel bad thanks Shawn."
"No problem."
We just laughed.
"Alright ima go apologise bye Shawn."
"Later daisy."

I go back to the dojo
"Robby, can I talk to you outside please. It's really important."
"Yeah of course."
We walk outside and just stand there
"I went to see Shawn."
"Advice. He said you always talk about me."
"I do. I love you daisy."
"I know and I love you too. I guess I just got insecure you would leave me for her."
"Look at me." He grabs my face in his hands. " I don't want anyone else okay and I never will. I love you"
" I love you too. I guess if it was really over I would have given you the ring."
"So it's not over?"
"No I was being stupid. I'm sorry."
"You were being rational baby I was just being a prick."
"No you weren't."
"Bye the way the only reason I chose Tory was because I knew what I wanted to do and I didn't want to hurt you."
We stare into each other's eyes and he kisses me then shoves me against the wall.
"Baby go get your bag."
"Was planning on it"
"Kreese I'm leaving."
"What why?"
"Me and daisy got back together I have to attend to."
"Ok then?"
He walks out and grabs my hand dragging me to the car.
"I like when your dominant." "He growls seductively again.

Daisy LaRusso-Robby KeeneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ